- Care home
The Firs Residential Care Home
Report from 7 November 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
The Firs Residential Care Home is a residential care home providing personal care up to a maximum of 29 people. The service provides support to older and younger adults, people living with dementia and people who have a physical disability. This assessment was carried out to see if improvement had been made since the last inspection. We inspected 8 quality statements across 5 key questions (learning culture, how staff teams and services work together, monitoring and improving outcomes, kindness, compassion and dignity, workforce wellbeing and enablement, care provision integration and continuity, planning for the future and partnerships and communities). Improvements had been made. We found people knew how to raise concerns and felt safe. People were encouraged to provide feedback, and the provider had systems in place to ensure any learning could be identified and acted upon. People were supported by staff who were caring and understood their care and support needs. There were effective processes in place to ensure staff worked well with various system partners to support people’s health and wellbeing.
People's experience of this service
We spoke with 4 people and 2 relatives. Relatives were happy with the improvements made. They felt their family member was safe and were confident to raise queries or concerns and felt listened to. People were now supported with person-centred care by a consistent staff team that knew them well. People and / or their representatives, participated in the setting up, and reviews of care and support needs. People were supported by staff to access external health professionals to promote and maintain their well-being.