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  • Homecare service

Agincare UK Christchurch

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

181b Barrack Road, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 2AR (01202) 481636

Provided and run by:
Agincare UK Limited

Important: This service was previously registered at a different address - see old profile

Report from 29 October 2024 assessment

On this page



Updated 14 November 2024

There was a culture of continuous improvement within the service and processes were in place to ensure lessons were learned where things may have gone wrong. Safeguarding systems were robust and staff spoke knowledgably regarding recognising and reporting potential abuse. Risks to people were managed well and ensured people received individualised care and support that maintained their health and wellbeing. Appropriate numbers of staff were employed who had been safely recruited and received the required training and support to care and support people safely.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

People and their relatives told us the care staff were well trained, knew their roles well and learnt from experiences to ensure people received the best care. One person told us, “They always listen to my instructions, they have the right attitude, they let me choose.” A relative said, “The care staff know what care [family member] needs, no issues.”

Staff told us they discussed events that had happened in team meetings and talked through different ways of dealing with different circumstances. Lessons learned were discussed, reviewed and records updated to ensure corrective actions were recorded. One member of staff said, “Sometimes communication we receive from the previous referral is not always accurate. [Person] was not able to use the equipment they had been provided with, so I arranged for an emergency Occupational Therapist referral. [Person] was seen within 2 days and provided with the appropriate equipment they could use. This made [person] happy and safe. Where possible we now check to make sure referring information is accurate.” Another member of staff told us, “We are always learning, it’s so important to improve.”

There was a clear system for reporting accidents and incidents. Incidents were reported, reviewed and analysed for any themes or trends. Staff were given time to discuss and think about situations. Learning from these events was shared with staff internally, and with the provider's other services, to help drive improvement.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 3

We did not look at Safe systems, pathways and transitions during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.


Score: 3

People told us they felt safe with the care they received from Agincare UK Christchurch which was delivered by a staff team who knew people and their health needs well. One person told us, “Yes, most definitely safe. They are all very good, they have got a nice way about them.” Another person said, “Yes, I’m happy with them. I would call them my friends they are so good to me.”

Staff spoke knowledgably regarding the different types of abuse and how they would report suspected abuse. Staff understood how to ensure people’s rights were fully respected, staff had received training in safeguarding adults, and completed the required refresher training. A member of staff told us, “People are very vulnerable. I reported some concerns to the registered manager and was fully supported throughout the process.” The registered manager told us, “We discuss safeguarding during supervisions and appraisals. We speak with staff and double check their understanding and identify any areas of training.”

There was a safeguarding and whistleblowing policy that gave staff clear guidance to follow in the event they needed to refer any concerns to the local authority. Safeguarding incidents had been reported to the local authority and CQC.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

People said they felt safe and potential risks to their safety were effectively managed. Relatives we spoke with confirmed this. A relative told us, “When they are supporting to move [person] they check that [person] feels comfortable. They talk to [person] explain what they are doing as [person] is moved. I find them very helpful; they have even shown me a better way to help [person].”

Risks to people and the service were well managed, ensuring people were protected and their individual risks mitigated. Staff spoke knowledgably about people’s specific risks and how they supported them in ways they preferred. A member of staff told us, “We always consider peoples choices and consider their mental capacity, if they have full capacity we can talk with them and ask them how they are. If they do not have capacity we check the care plan and all their risks such as their ability to eat and drink. The care plans give us good information and good background detail such as their likes and dislikes so we know all about them.”

Personalised risk assessments were in place; these were updated as people’s health needs changed and provided clear information for staff to ensure people were cared for safely. Risks covered a wide range of areas such as mobilising, skin integrity, falls and hydration and nutrition as well as risks to the environment and any specific events such as new pets within the home.

Safe environments

Score: 3

We did not look at Safe environments during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

People told us they had a small team of regular care staff who knew them well. Staff were on time and spent the allocated time at each visit. People told us the staff were skilled and were trained well. One person said, “I have mainly 3 carers, I’ve got to know them. I like chatting with them, breaks the monotony of the day.” Another person told us, “They are confident in what they do. When they put the sling on they make sure the waist belt is secure and check I’m comfortable. I feel safe. “One relative told us, “We have a regular team of staff that gives continuity of care and they now know [person's] needs.” Another relative told us, “They are well trained, very capable, exceptionally good at supporting [person] to eat and drink.”

The registered manager told us recruitment was a continuous process. They said, “Recruitment is ongoing, we are constantly recruiting. It’s working well, we are lucky, people are starting to trickle through now.” A member of staff told us, “The office staff support us with visits if we are short staffed.” Another member of staff said, “There are enough staff at the moment, we are always there to help and support people.” Staff told us they felt supported in their roles, completed regular supervision sessions and received training in all required subjects. A member of staff said, “The training Is good, everything is updated all the time, it all makes sense. There is always something new. I have update training and supervisions every 6 months they are very supportive and listen to us.”

There were enough staff employed to meet people’s needs. Staffing rotas reflected there were appropriate levels of staff to cover people’s visits. Training records showed staff were up to date with their mandatory training and attended regular refresher training to ensure their skills and knowledge remained current. Staff were recruited safely, and recruitment records reflected this. Procedures were in place to ensure the required checks were carried out on staff before they commenced their employment. This included enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks for adults. DBS checks provide information including details about convictions and cautions held on the police national computer. The information helps employers make safer recruitment decisions.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

We did not look at Infection prevention and control during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

We did not look at Medicines optimisation during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.