- Homecare service
Agincare UK Christchurch
Report from 29 October 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Agincare UK Christchurch is a domiciliary care service providing a regulated activity of personal care. The service was providing personal care and support to people in their own homes. Not everyone who used the service received personal care. CQC only inspects where people receive personal care. This is help with tasks related to personal hygiene and eating. Where they do, we also consider any wider social care provided. At the time of our inspection there were 35 people receiving personal care from the service. The assessment took place between 30 October and 5 November 2024. The service had a culture of continuous improvement with systems in place for lessons learned. People were protected from avoidable harm; staff were knowledgeable regarding reporting potential abuse and safeguarding processes were robust. People had risk assessments in place for all their care and support needs which were kept up to date and reflected any changing health needs. Sufficient levels of staff were employed to ensure people were safe. Staff had been recruited correctly and had the necessary skills, experience and training to support people effectively. Staff treated people with kindness, dignity and compassion and ensured people were given choices in how they received their care and support. Staff teams worked well together to ensure people received person centred care which provided good outcomes for them. Support and governance systems were effective and provided clear oversight of the service.
People's experience of this service
People told us they enjoyed the visits from staff at Agincare UK Christchurch, they said staff were friendly, happy and looked after them well ensuring they had everything they needed. People said they were provided support by a regular team of care staff who knew them and their health needs well. People knew how to contact the Agincare UK Christchurch office and knew who to speak with if they had any queries or concerns. People were involved and consulted in their care and their views were respected. People received person-centred support and care plans included guidance for staff about how to provide individualised care. People had confidence in the staff team at Agincare UK Christchurch and felt the service was well-led.