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Daffodil Road
Report from 22 October 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of Assessment: 29 October to 4 November 2024. An assessment has been undertaken of a specialist service that is used by autistic people or people with a learning disability. We have assessed the service against ‘Right support, right care, right culture’ guidance to make judgements about whether the provider guaranteed people with a learning disability and autistic people respect, equality, dignity, choices, independence and good access to local communities that most people take for granted. Staff understood and supported people to manage risks. There were enough staff with the right skills who had undergone specific training to support people safely. Staff managed medicines safely. Managers investigated incidents thoroughly and took action to ensure mitigation was put in place to prevent future re-occurrences. People and their relatives were involved in assessments of their needs. Staff reviewed assessments taking account of people’s communication preferences to ensure they were as involved as possible. Staff made sure as much as possible people understood their care and treatment to enable them to give informed consent. People were treated with kindness. Staff protected people’s dignity and had taken steps to ensure they were not discriminated against in any way. People had choice over their care and were encouraged to use some assistive technology to maintain relationships with family and friends who did not live local. The service provided information people could understand, taking into account their sensory needs. The service worked to reduce health and care inequalities through training, health passport documentation and feedback. Leaders and staff had a shared vision and culture based on listening, learning and trust. Leaders recognised when staff needed debriefing and resting periods throughout the day, and this was always safely built into people’s support. Staff felt supported. “I would always feel safe speaking up
People's experience of this service
We spent time observing people’s experiences of care as not everyone in the service could directly tell us about their experience. We also spoke to their family members who had significant involvement in their support, and we also contacted a range of external healthcare professionals to seek out their views on the service. Overall, the feedback we received regarding Daffodil Road was positive. We observed positive interactions and support, and relatives told us they felt their family member was safe and well supported. One family member said, “I feel [relative] is safe and gets good support from their core team” Also “They all know [relative] and I feel the staff are always doing their best to make sure they are trying new things.” Family members told us the provider communicated well with them and always took action to address any concerns. One family member said “Yes, [relative] is well cared for. I feel the staff do take any advice on board.” Also, “I am always contacted and kept well in the loop with things.” They said, “The core staff team know [relative] well, they have made changes to their support based off any learning.” One person’s relative told us, “The staff always make sure any information is shared. I get my phone calls and facetime contact without fail, as the staff know this is important.” Both family members told us they felt staff and the mangers always advocated for the rights of their relatives to ensure they are supported to live a normal life in the community. A healthcare professional told us, “I have to say everyone I have dealt with have been nothing less than perfect. I have worked with the carers and management who provide equally the same level of care towards my young person in order to keep them safe and ensure all their care and support needs are met.”