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  • Care home

Stratton House

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

16 Park Lane, Bath, Somerset, BA1 2XH (01225) 421196

Provided and run by:
Methodist Homes

Report from 15 January 2024 assessment

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Updated 18 March 2024

People were supported using a person-centred approach, and people were involved in their care and support planning. In this key question we looked at the quality statements person centred care, listening to and involving people, and equity in experiences and outcomes.

This service scored 86 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Person-centred Care

Score: 4

We observed staff consistently supporting people in a person centred way throughout our on site assessment. We observed staff taking the time to ensure people were included and engaged in activities and meal times. We observed staff adapting their approach to meet peoples individual needs in a way that promoted dignity and respect. For example, we observed one person requesting their medication to be given at a later time, staff responded positively to this request and respected this. We observed other staff adapting their approach to ensure people felt included in certain activities.

We received exceptionally positive feedback from people and their relatives about how people are supported in a person centred way. One relative told us: "I honestly couldn't give the home any more stars. I was really taken aback by the care every member of staff gave [person]... Certain noises in the morning [person] can't cope with and they worked around [person's] sensory needs." Another relative told us their relative was given a Swiss calendar last year after the staff had found out about the person’s home town.

The manager and staff told us that people and their families are regularly involved in reviewing and updating the support plans. The manager and staff told us that people and their families are regularly involved in reviewing and updating the support plans. Care plans were person centred and reflected people’s physical, mental, emotional and social needs. Staff took the time to learn about people's history. The manager told us: "Stratton House has always encouraged residents that have lived in the home to feel proud of their achievements what ever they may be. In recent years we have had some artists that have lived or continue to live in the home that display their artwork for all to see. In one case the artwork was put up outside an individual’s bedroom which help the individual find their room as they were living with dementia but knew where they were when they found their pictures, this in turn stopped the individual walking into the wrong rooms in search of their own room."

Care provision, Integration and continuity

Score: 3

We did not look at Care provision, Integration and continuity during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Providing Information

Score: 3

We did not look at Providing Information during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Listening to and involving people

Score: 4

People told us they felt listened to and that things changed as a result of their feedback. One person told us: “I rebelled against the meat on the menus, that was changed.” Another person told us that they were concerned that the insides of their windows were not being washed. The person told us they raised this and this was actioned immediately.

People's feedback was consistently and regularly sought in resident meetings, through the ‘resident of the day’ process, and through surveys and conversations with the staff team. For example, when different coloured tablecloths were introduced to support people living with dementia, this was discussed in resident meetings and people were asked to feedback about this change. We saw one person stated: “I like the colours and you know the cloths are changed after each meal.” We saw that people were empowered to be involved in the running of their activities. For example, we saw one person gave others a presentation about a recent trip they had been on. We saw another person ran an 'arts and crafts' activity as this was something the person had an interest in.

Equity in access

Score: 3

We did not look at Equity in access during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Equity in experiences and outcomes

Score: 4

Adaptations were made to promote equality. For example, we saw that the plates that were used for mealtimes were ‘dementia friendly’.

We saw people's welcome pack contained information on advocacy and local amenities with accessibility information. We saw processes were in place to ensure all people had their voice heard, such as the 'resident of the day' process and the 'seize the day' scheme, where if a person wanted to attend a certain activity that this would be arranged. We saw people were asked about this in the 'resident of the day' process.

The manager told us: “At Stratton House we are always looking to make sure all activities are inclusive for all residents that wish to attend. For example, residents mentioned they were not attending the crossword activities as they could not read the questions and see the crossword board on the paper. [Staff] was asked to make a large crossword board so all residents could join in the activity should they wish. This has now become a very popular activity that is normally run by our volunteer [staff]. There was a large ‘meet the team’ board at the service, which was colourful, decorative, and had pictures of staff with names and their roles. The manager told us: “As you enter Stratton House, we have put up a meet the staff team notice board. This was introduced to help residents, relative and anyone visiting the home identify the staff team and what job they do within the home.”

Planning for the future

Score: 3

We did not look at Planning for the future during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.