- Care home
Chestnut Gardens Care Home
Report from 29 August 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Person-centred Care
- Care provision, Integration and continuity
- Providing Information
- Listening to and involving people
- Equity in access
- Equity in experiences and outcomes
- Planning for the future
People received care and support that was tailored to their individual needs. Staff were responsive to people’s needs, especially when these changed, and ensured continuity of care was maintained in line with people’s choices and preferences. People were provided information in line with their individual communication needs. There was an open and honest culture at the service where anyone could give feedback, raise concerns or make complaints. These were acted on and changes were made when needed. People using the service were treated equally and fairly and supported to access care and support that met their individual needs. Staff understood people’s equality and human rights and respected these when providing people with care and support. The service had arrangements in place to support people to plan for the future, including at the end of their life.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Person-centred Care
People received care and support tailored to their individual needs. When changes were needed to their care and support, people, and others involved in their care, were involved in decisions about this and their preferences informed how care and support should be provided. One person told us, “They have done a big review because my [family member] has been quite ill.”
Staff understood how to provide care that was tailored to people and their individual needs. Staff told us about the individual needs and preferences of people using the service and how they supported people to receive care and support in line with these. They told us they shared their feedback about people with the registered manager, who made sure care and support was continually reviewed and monitored and continuing to meet people’s needs.
Staff followed people’s care plans and used people’s preferred methods of communication when engaging with people. They were observant to people’s responses and used this to guide them when delivering care and support in line with people’s preferences.
Care provision, Integration and continuity
People’s diverse needs were well understood. People’s care and support was delivered in line with their individual needs and preferences for how and when this should be provided.
Staff understood the diverse needs of people using the service and made sure the care and support they provided was in line with people’s individual needs and preferences. Staff told us there were good relationships with others involved in people’s care, which helped promote a joined-up approach to how care and support was provided.
Professionals confirmed the provider supported people’s choices with regard to their care. One professional told us “They know people’s needs, they can answer questions. They remember details.” Professionals confirmed that continuity of people’s care was maintained by the provider as they kept accurate records and followed up on specific matters relating to their needs. One professional told us, “They follow up on things.”
Arrangements were in place to ensure care and support was delivered in a joined up way and promoted choice and continuity. People’s records reflected these arrangements and showed the service worked with others to ensure people received appropriate care and support from everyone involved in their care.
Providing Information
People were provided with information in a way they could understand and that met their individual communication needs. One person told us, “I had a lot of information when I came in and there are weekly newsletter and activities programme too.” Another person said, “All the paper is very clear and if you want large print, you can get it.”
Staff were aware of people’s individual communication needs and knew how to provide information in a way that people could understand and respond to. The registered manager told us information could be made available in a wide variety of formats to meet people’s individual needs. They said, “We have a newsletter for people and we can have this translated in different languages and have done it for [person using the service].”
Systems were in place to ensure people received information in an accessible way that met their individual needs. This was assessed and recorded in their care plans and shared with staff to ensure these needs would be met. Information was available to people in accessible formats if this was required, for example in different languages or large print.
Listening to and involving people
People knew how to give feedback, raise a concern or make a complaint. They were provided with information about how to do this. One person said, “Yes, I know how, but haven’t needed to.” Another person told us, “I don’t need to make a complaint but I know how.” One person told us they had been listened to and action was taken to make changes when they had made a complaint. They said, “In the early days they gave me a man to help me with washing and dressing and I didn’t like it at all. So my daughter complained to the manager. [Registered manager] made sure it never happened again.”
Staff understood how to support people to raise concerns and make complaints. They felt comfortable raising these with the registered manager and confident these would be acted on. The registered manager made sure there was an open and honest culture at the service where anyone could give feedback, raise concerns or make complaints. They told us, “By asking actively for feedback and then acting on feedback we can show that we will do something. Residents know they can come in and speak to me and they know if they talk to me I will act on this. There is a ‘speak up champion’ for staff and they meet once a month with the managing director, who is a great leader, and they can tell her if there is anything of concern. The complaints policy is on display and we have a feedback box at reception and relatives and people are encouraged to give feedback to us.”
Arrangements were in place to investigate concerns and complaints about the service. The service had a complaints policy and procedure which set out in detail how concerns and complaints would be dealt with. Records showed complaints received by the service were investigated and people had been provided with a full response about how these had been dealt with, including actions taken by the service to make sure lessons were learnt so that mistakes would not be repeated.
Equity in access
People received their care and support when they needed this. They received their care and support in line with their stated preferences. People were supported to access healthcare services when needed.
Staff understood people well and knew how and when to provide care and support to people, when they needed this. They supported people to access healthcare services when this was required.
Professionals confirmed people had fair access to treatment when needed. Professionals told us they were aware some people using the service were under the care of other professionals in accordance with their needs and they could see people were well and being given the care and treatment they needed. One professional told us, “The staff are willing to go the extra mile with the residents. I have seen them making sure that the needs are met and help further.”
Systems were in place to ensure people could access the care and support they needed. Senior staff undertook, assessments, monitoring and reviews of people’s care needs and used this information to plan care and support in line with people’s preferences for this.
Equity in experiences and outcomes
People were treated equally and fairly by staff because they provided care and support to people, based on their individual needs. One person told us, “I think we are all treated equally.” Another person said, “In terms of living without discrimination, I am not aware of any.” People undertook activities and experiences that were planned and delivered in line with their individual needs and preferences. People were not excluded or socially isolated from activities. Staff made sure people could take part if they wanted to. Staff catered for people’s specific dietary needs and all meals were prepared to the same standard so everyone had access to high quality meals. People’s religious and cultural beliefs were respected and people were actively encouraged to practice their faith.
Staff understood people’s right to be treated equally and fairly and to receive care and support that met their individual needs. The registered manager told us how people were supported to feel included and to have access to the same information and opportunities as others. They said, “We have a person here for who English is not their first language. Some of the staff speak their language and spend time with them doing the things [person using the service] enjoys. They like to pray and meditate. They will pray with some of the staff team that share their religion…We celebrate the cultures of people and make sure people feel loved and respected.”
Systems were in place to obtain information about people’s communication, social, cultural and spiritual needs. People’s care and support had been planned in a way to ensure these needs could be met. Staff received equality and diversity training as part of their role to help them make sure people were not subjected to discriminatory behaviours and practices.
Planning for the future
People, and others involved in their care, were supported to be involved in discussions about their future care needs, including their needs at the end of their life. Their preferences for this were documented in their records. A relative told us, “We have been totally involved in [family member’s] end of life care and supported by the manager and the team all the way.”
Staff understood people’s future care needs and preferences about what they would like to happen at the end of their life.
Systems were in place to obtain information about people’s individual needs and in particular their wishes for the support they wanted to receive at the end of their life. This ensured people’s wishes and choices would be respected at the appropriate time.