- Care home
Chestnut Gardens Care Home
Report from 29 August 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Assessing needs
- Delivering evidence-based care and treatment
- How staff, teams and services work together
- Supporting people to live healthier lives
- Monitoring and improving outcomes
- Consent to care and treatment
People were involved in assessing their care and support needs. Their choices and preferences were used to plan and deliver their care and support in line with current practice, legislation and standards. Staff understood people’s needs and how to meet these in line with people’s choices and preferences. The staff team worked well together and with others to make sure people experienced positive outcomes in relation to their care and support needs. People were supported to stay healthy and well. Staff monitored people’s health and wellbeing and made sure people received timely support if they became unwell or needed extra support from professionals with their healthcare needs. People’s care and support was monitored and reviewed at regular intervals to make sure this remained effective and helping people achieve positive outcomes. The service was working within the principles of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA).
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Assessing needs
People needs were assessed and care and support was planned for them in line with their individual preferences. People, and others involved in their care, were actively involved in these assessments which helped staff deliver effective care to people because this was in line with their needs. One person told us, “When I first came in, they have taken on board how I like things and what I don’t like.” Another person said, “My daughter told them what I like and what I need.”
Staff understood how people’s needs should be met. Staff told us information about people’s needs was easily accessible and helped them to deliver the care and support people required in line with their wishes and preferences. The registered manager told us, “The emphasis here is to make sure people get the care they need. We do a very comprehensive pre-assessment and make sure from the start we can deliver care to them. So from the very start we make sure we only admit people we can care for to a high standard.”
Systems were in place to assess and review people’s needs. People, and others involved in their care, were involved in assessments and reviews. This helped the service obtain the information needed to plan and deliver the care and support people required. People’s care records were individualised and reflected their preferences for how and when care and support should be provided.
Delivering evidence-based care and treatment
People received care and support from staff, which was individualised, specific to their needs and in line with legislation, current practice and standards. One person told us, “We have been involved every step of the way and our wishes are taken into account.”
Staff were supported through training and supervision to deliver care and support to people in line with legislation, current practice and standards. Staff told us regular training and support from senior staff equipped them with the skills and knowledge required to provide effective care to people.
Systems were in place to support staff to deliver care to people in line with legislation, current practice and standards. Regular assessment, monitoring and review of people’s needs helped senior staff make sure care and support was planned and delivered in line with people’s choices and preferences. Staff were provided with regular and relevant training to ensure they were up to date with best practice guidance when delivering care and support to people.
How staff, teams and services work together
People were supported to transition safely and effectively when they first started using the service. People were supported by a staff team that worked well together and shared information so that all the staff team were able to support people safely and effectively.
Staff worked well together and there was good communication and information sharing between them. The registered manager said, “The staff are working very well and they are all now focussed on us becoming the best care home in the local area.” The registered manager told us by working effectively with other services this helped them ensure people received safe and effective support. They said, “We have a GP review before people move in. Then we continue to review and monitor and the team are encouraged to get feedback to make sure we are delivering the care people want.”
The provider worked effectively across teams and services to support people. Professionals told us information about people’s care needs were recorded and updated as needed. They confirmed there was no duplication of information and their questions were answered by staff who had up to date records about people’s care needs.
Systems were in place to make sure information was shared in a timely way by everyone involved in people’s care. This helped to ensure that care and support was planned for people that met their individual needs and preferences, safely and effectively.
Supporting people to live healthier lives
People were supported by staff to stay healthy and well. One person told us, “I have been very well since being here.” Another person said, “When my [family member] became ill, they zoomed into action straight away and had him sorted in no time.” Another person told us, “They go into action, the instant anything is wrong.”
Staff understood how people should be supported to stay healthy and well, in line with their assessed needs and preferences. They knew when and how to seek support for people if they became unwell.
Information about people’s healthcare needs was assessed and reviewed at regular intervals. This ensured staff had access to up to date information about people’s needs which helped them support people to stay healthy and well. Systems were in place to seek prompt support for people when they became unwell.
Monitoring and improving outcomes
People experienced positive outcomes from the care and support provided by staff. We saw examples of this where people’s wellbeing had positively improved as a result of the support they received from staff. People’s care and support was regularly reviewed to ensure this was meeting their needs and intended outcomes.
Staff understood how to support people to help them achieve positive outcomes in relation to their care and support needs. They monitored the care and support provided to people and knew what action to take if any improvements to this were required.
Systems were in place to monitor the care and support provided to people to ensure this remained effective. Staff maintained records of the care and support they provided to people and their observations about people’s health and wellbeing. Senior staff reviewed these records and used this to inform their ongoing assessment, monitoring and review of people’s care and support needs, and made changes where these were required. Staff undertook a range of health checks on people at regular intervals. Concerns noted through these checks were reported immediately to the relevant professionals so that people received prompt support for their health needs.
Consent to care and treatment
People were supported to understand the care and support staff wished to provide them. This enabled people to consent to this if they wished. People could refuse to receive care and support and staff respected their decisions about this. One person told us, “They always check before doing anything although I don’t need much.” Another person said, “They don’t need to do much for me but they always check, as they do, before coming in to my room.”
Staff understood people’s capacity to make decisions about their care and support. They empowered people to make decisions about how their day to day care and support was provided. They received training in the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and associated codes of practice and understood their responsibilities under this Act.
The service was working within the principles of the MCA. Systems were in place to ensure mental capacity assessments were completed with people and others involved in their care. Where people could not make decisions and consent to their care, processes were in place to make sure any decisions would be made in their best interests. Appropriate legal authorisations were in place to deprive people of their liberty where this was deemed necessary to ensure their safety.