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  • Care home

Alpine Lodge

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Alpine Road, Stocksbridge, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S36 1AD (0114) 288 8226

Provided and run by:
Alpine Health Care Limited

Report from 2 October 2024 assessment

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Updated 27 November 2024

We rated safe as good. We assessed all the quality statements. People were safeguarded from abuse and avoidable harm. Staff told us felt confident to raise any concerns. Staff knew how to report such concerns promptly. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests. Risk assessments about care were person-centred, proportionate, and regularly reviewed with the person, where possible. Robust recruitment procedures were in place. Medicines were managed safely. A staffing dependency tool was used and followed. The home was kept clean. We identified some areas required attention, which were a floor covering and kitchenettes, these are being addressed and resolved by the provider.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

People and relatives felt confident they could raise concerns, and action would be taken to address those concerns. One relative said, "It is well managed, they [management] are always very helpful.”

The management shared information on how they had improved systems to ensure lessons were learnt and people were safe. The new management team were embedding these systems into practice.

The provider had systems in place to record and analyse accidents and incidents. Action had been taken to mitigate future risks such as liaison with professionals including the falls team. Systems had significantly improved since our last visit.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 3

People and relatives told us the GP regularly visited the service. Relatives could ask for their family member to be seen by the GP if they felt they were unwell. One person said, “There is a doctor that comes every week.” People also told us they had seen other professionals. For example, dentists and opticians.

The registered manager explained the service regularly reviewed people to ensure any referrals were completed to appropriate health care professionals.

Staff worked with partners, we saw advice was sought and followed to ensure safe pathways and transitions. We received positive feedback from partners, they told us communication was good and the new team were providing more continuity of care.

Processes were in place to enable a smooth transition between services and to reduce the impact on people. The provider had various checklists in place for example, an accident and incident checklist, body map for recording injuries, first aid check lists for a fallen person, guidance regarding accidents and incidents and a post-accident observation record. This was in place to ensure information was passed on between staff and other professionals.


Score: 3

People told us they felt safe and had no concerns regarding their safety. People felt confident they could raise concerns if they needed to. One person said, “"Yes, I feel more than safe. The staff are very good.”

The manager told us they actively promote safety. All safeguarding concerns are taken seriously. Concerns are reported to safeguarding and CQC, the home collaboratively works with partners in a multi-disciplinary approach to reduce further risks. Protection plans when required are put in place to reduce the risk of abuse. The management are open and honest with resident and families.

Staff supported people safely. Staff were aware of safeguarding procedures and reported incidents.

There were effective systems, processes and practices to make sure people were protected from abuse and neglect Staff received safeguarding training and demonstrated a clear understanding about how to report any concerns. There was a commitment to taking immediate action to keep people safe from abuse and neglect. This included working with partners in a collaborative way.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

Risks were identified, monitored, reviewed and detailed in peoples plans of care. Peoples identified risks were managed safely and management of risks promoted their independence.

The management team held regular meetings to review and monitor risk, to ensure safe management of risks. People they support, their families, and other relevant stakeholders were also involved when required. These discussions were conducted in a person-centred manner, ensuring that the voice of the individual is central to the planning process. The provider was also implementing some assisted technology to further reduce risks.

People were kept safe, risks were monitored and reviewed regularly. Risk management plans were in place, and we observed staff followed these.

Processes were in place to manage risks. People had individual risk assessments and care plans detailed actions to be taken.

Safe environments

Score: 3

People were cared for in a safe environment. All safety checks were carried out. Equipment people used was maintained.

Management told us regular checks and maintenance were carried out to ensure the environment was safe. Regular meeting were also held to discuss potential risks and how they can be managed.

Maintenance records were up to date and any actions addressed. However, we identified a damaged and uneven floor covering and a call bell that did not work. The call bell was rectified immediately and since our site visit the provider has confirmed the floor covering is being replaced in December 2024. The manager has completed a risk assessment in the interim to manage the risk.

Processes were in place to detect and control any potential risks. For example, environmental safety checks were regularly carried out, ensuring any risks to staff or people were identified.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

Most people and relatives felt there were enough staff on duty. They said at times staff were rushed but understood at times they were very busy. They said most calls for assistance were responded to in a timely way. One person said, "I can't complain about staff at all. I feel that they respond quickly if I need them".

There was a staffing dependency tool used, people’s dependency was regularly reviewed, and staffing adjusted accordingly. Staff said there were adequate staff on duty to meet people’s needs. Staff told us they were well supported and spoke highly of the manager. One staff said, “I can’t fault him.” New staff we spoke with told us induction was ‘excellent’. Staff felt listened to and valued.

We observed adequate staff on duty to meet peoples needs. when people required support this was delivered in a timely way. Staff received training to ensure they had the skills to meet people's needs.

There were processes in place to determine staffing levels, to monitor staff training and provide regular staff supervision. Safe recruitment policies and best practice were followed.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

Staff followed good infection control procedures. Staff wore the appropriate PPE and followed best practice. People said the home was kept clean.

The manager confirmed there were infection control policies in place, staff received training in infection prevention and control. There was a maintenance and renewal plan in place.

We carried out a tour of the service and found the service to be predominantly clean. The standards had greatly improved since our last visit. However, we identified the kitchenettes were in a poor state and were not kept clean. These were included on the cleaning schedule, but staff said as they were inconstant use it was difficult to get access for a deep clean.

The provider had systems in place to monitor infection, prevention, and control. However, we found areas that were not clean. We discussed this with the manager and provider who agreed to investigate how these could be thoroughly cleaned and how do maintain these standards. We received photos to show the cleaning had been completed and assured these would be maintained. The kitchenettes have been added to the environmental action plan to be replaced.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

Safe systems were in place to ensure people received medicines. People and their relatives confirmed staff administered their medicines safely.

There was detailed process in place to ensure that all staff have understood and are competent in applying the training and guidance they receive. Staff attend refresher courses at regular intervals. These sessions reaffirm their knowledge and skills and include competency checks to ensure they remain proficient.

There was detailed process in place to ensure that all staff have understood and are competent in applying the training and guidance they receive. Staff attend refresher courses at regular intervals. These sessions reaffirm their knowledge and skills and include competency checks to ensure they remain proficient.