• Care Home
  • Care home


Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

18-20 Ellenborough Park South, Weston Super Mare, Somerset, BS23 1XN (01934) 626233

Provided and run by:
N. Notaro Homes Limited

Report from 7 February 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Campania is a residential care home for people with effects of Alcohol Related Brain Damage and conditions such as Korsakoff’s syndrome. The assessment was started on 22 February 2024 and finished on the 29 February 2024. The assessment included a site visit on the 22 and the 27 February 2024. We reviewed three quality statements; Safeguarding, Assessing needs, and governance, management and sustainability. We found since our last inspection the service has remained rated as Good overall. During our assessment we found quality assurance systems were not always identifying shortfalls found during this inspection. This included the recording of all incident and accidents, improvements to risk assessments, mental capacity assessments and care plans having up to date and accurate information within them. Systems and processes were not robust at ensuring people were protected from abuse as not all incidents where potential abuse had occurred was being escalated where appropriate. The provider’s policy was also not being followed and not all notifications had been made as required. People were supported by staff who knew them well and who had a good understanding of safeguarding and how to support them with their individual needs. The service was following where people had a Deprivation of liberty safeguard in place. Staff knew when to report concerns to the management in the home. People and staff told us the registered manager was accessible and approachable. People felt safe and that staff were nice and they could raise any concerns if they needed to. People received visits from district nurses and were supported with advocates, GP’s and social workers. Positive feedback was provided by two professionals. They confirmed they were kept up to date with information and the support people received was good. People were encouraged to remain independent with undertaking daily tasks such as personal care and getting their meal from the dining area.

People's experience of this service

People told us the management of the service was approachable and they could raise any concerns with staff. One person told us, “I can talk to the staff if I have any worries or concerns”. Other comments included, “The (manager) is quite nice” and “I know (the manager)” and another person told us, “If I had a problem I would go to (the manager)”. People could access activities such as Tai Chi, quizzes and yoga and people had their independence promoted. People were able to confirm if they had restrictions on accessing the community. Where restrictions were in place paperwork supported this decision. Some people raised with us incidents which were of a safeguarding concern. On some occasions improvements were required to ensuring all actions were taken to keep people safe.