Declare Your Care is a year-long, campaign focusing on four key population groups which we know have lower awareness of CQC.
Key findings for people with a learning disability their family, carers and advocates
Our research reveals that people with a learning disability are more likely to regret not complaining about poor care than those without. The main reasons they or their carers to want to raise a concern are:
- lack of information about a health condition
- treatment options are not well explained.
Our research looked at people with learning disabilities in England who have had experience of health or social care in the last 5 years. We included both patients and carers.
- Half of adults said that they have wanted to raise a complaint about the lack of information about their care or treatment.
- They are 17% more likely to regret not complaining about poor care than people without learning disabilities.
- They are twice as likely to have concerns about maternity services and mental health services than people without learning disabilities.
Ask Listen Do
NHS England's project Ask Listen Do looks at the experiences of people with a learning disability, autism or both, their families and carers. Nearly1,300 people replied to their survey about giving feedback, raising concerns and making complaints.
#DeclareYourCare campaign
Join the conversation on Instagram and Twitter using the #DeclareYourCare hashtag.
Find out more
Campaign resources
Download posters and social media graphics for declare your care: people with learning disabilities
Survey data
Declare Your Care: Survey results data
Join the conversation
Join the conversation on Instagram and Twitter using the #DeclareYourCare hashtag.