Background to this inspection
3 September 2014
Derwent House is situated at the Cockermouth Community Hospital and Health Centre. They share the premises with another practice and the Hospital. There is a pharmacy on site which is owned by GPs from both practices. Derwent House however has its own dispensary solely for the use of some of its patients. The practice has been at this location since January 2014. The service is responsible for providing primary care for approximately 6,700 patients. Derwent House covers the town of Cockermouth and its rural vicinity which is a large area. The provider reports to the Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). After normal practice hours there is an out of hours service provided by Cumbria Health On Call (CHOC) which provided cover for the practice.
3 September 2014
Derwent House Surgery shares a new purpose built building with another practice. They moved into the premises in late January 2014. They provide primary care services for patients in the area of Cockermouth and its rural vicinity. The service provides a telephone triage medical advice for callers and face to face consultations with doctors and nurses. Although we noted there was some concern from staff and patients we spoke with about access to appointments.
Patients we spoke with told us they were happy with the care and treatment they received and they always felt safe. We found patient safety was ensured because staff were learning from incidents and there were systems in place to promote good infection control and stop the spread of related infections.
The provider had taken robust steps to ensure all staff went through a rigorous recruitment and induction process which helped them to provide suitable care for the patients.
We spoke with members of staff who were positive about the management and leadership team and felt supported in their roles. They said the management and leadership team were approachable and listened to suggestions to improve the service provided. These included diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery, surgical procedures and the treatment of disease disorder or injury.