Updated 29 January 2018
Carden Surgery is situated on the outskirts of the city of Brighton and Hove, East Sussex and operates from:
County Oak Medical Centre
Carden Hill
East Sussex
with a branch surgery at:
New Larchwood Surgery
Waldron Avenue
The practice provides services for approximately 7,620 patients living within the local area. The practice holds a general medical services (GMS) contract and provides GP services commissioned by NHS England. (A GMS contract is one between the practice and NHS England where elements of the contract such as opening times are standard.) The practice population has a slightly higher than average number of patients over the age of 65 and a higher percentage of patients with health related problems in daily life. The practice has a lower deprivation score compared to the national average, with more patients in employment or full-time education and lower levels of unemployment. Although the practice explained they served pockets of patients living in substantially more deprivation than was represented by their score.
New Larchwood Surgery, the branch surgery, shares premises with an independent living residential home for people aged 55 and over and all 40 of the residents are registered with the practice. In total, 1% the practice population resides in five local nursing or care homes while the practice also has a higher than average population of students, many of whom live in nearby halls of residence. Around 1% of the practice population are travellers from a permanent site near the practice.
County Oak Surgery is purpose built and shares its premises with another GP practice and a pharmacy. Weekly midwifery and regular dermatology clinics run from the premises. Separate organisations providing musculoskeletal and audiology clinics rent rooms in the same premises.
As well as a team of three GP partners and two salaried GPs (three male and two female), the practice also employs one nurse practitioner, three practice nurses, one health care assistant and a phlebotomist. There is a practice manager and a team of receptionists and administrative staff. The practice has access to a pharmacist who is shared by a cluster of local practices.
The practice is a training practice for foundation level two doctors and medical students.
County Oak Medical Centre is open between 8.30am to 6.30pm on weekdays, apart from Thursdays when the surgery closes at 1pm.
New Larchwood Surgery is open between 8.30am and 12pm then 1.30pm to 3.30pm on Mondays and Fridays and between 8.30am to 12pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
During the contracted hours of 8am to 6.30pm from Monday to Fridays when the practice is closed, patients are directed to an Out of Hours provider (IC24). The practice offers pre-bookable appointments, same day and phone appointments with GPs and nurses. There are also online appointments available. There are arrangements for patients to access care outside of contracted hours from an Out of Hours provider (111).
The practice is registered to provide the regulated activities of diagnostic and screening procedures; treatment of disease, disorder and injury; maternity and midwifery services; family planning and surgical procedures.