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  • GP practice

Archived: Lambeth Walk Group Practice

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

5 Lambeth Walk, London, SE11 6SP (020) 7735 4412

Provided and run by:
Lambeth Walk Group Practice

Latest inspection summary

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Background to this inspection

Updated 5 January 2024

Lambeth Walk Group Practice is located at 5 Lambeth Walk, London, SE11 6SP.

The provider is registered with CQC to deliver the regulated activities; diagnostic and screening procedures, maternity and midwifery services, family planning, surgical procedures, and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.

The practice is situated within the South East London Integrated Care System (ICS) and delivers General Medical Services (GMS) to a patient population of about 8,700. This is part of a contract held with NHS England.

The practice is part of a wider network of GP practices: North Lambeth Primary Care Network (PCN).

Information published by Office for Health Improvement and Disparities shows that deprivation within the practice population group is in the fourth lowest decile (4 of 10). The lower the decile, the more deprived the practice population is relative to others.

According to the latest available data, the ethnic make-up of the practice area is 56% White, 24.6% Black, 9.1% Asian, 7.2% Mixed, and 3.1% Other.

The age distribution of the practice population closely mirrors the local and national averages.

There is a team of 4 GPs at the practice. The practice has a nurse who provides nurse led clinics for long-term conditions as well as a healthcare assistant, physiotherapist, and clinical pharmacist. The GPs are supported at the practice by a team of reception and administration staff. The practice manager provides managerial oversight.

The practice is open between 8am to 6.30 pm Monday to Friday. The practice offers a range of appointment types including book on the day, telephone consultations and advance appointments.

Extended access is provided locally by the PCN, where late evening and weekend appointments are available. Out of hours services are provided by NHS 111.

Overall inspection


Updated 5 January 2024

We undertook a targeted assessment of the responsive key question at Lambeth Walk Group Practice. The rating for the responsive key question is Good. As the other domains were not reviewed during this assessment, the rating of good will be carried forward from the previous inspection and the overall rating of the service will remain Good.

Safe - not inspected, rating of good carried forward from previous inspection.

Effective - not inspected, rating of good carried forward from previous inspection.

Caring - not inspected, rating of good carried forward from previous inspection.

Responsive – good.

Well-led - not inspected, rating of good carried forward from previous inspection.

The full reports for previous inspections can be found by selecting the ‘all reports’ link for Lambeth Walk Group Practice on our website at www.cqc.org.uk

Why we carried out this assessment

We carried out a targeted assessment of the responsive key question. Targeted assessments enable us to focus on certain key questions to explore particular aspects of care.

How we carried out the assessment.

This assessment was carried out without a site visit

This included:

  • Conducting staff interviews using video conferencing.
  • Requesting evidence from the provider.

Our findings

We based our judgement of the quality of care at this service on a combination of:

  • what we found when we inspected
  • information from our ongoing monitoring of data about services and
  • information from the provider, patients, the public and other organisations.

We found that:

  • Patients could access care and treatment in a timely way.
  • National GP patient survey data showed higher than average patient satisfaction scores, particularly regarding telephone access.
  • Complaints were used to drive improvement.

Details of our findings and the evidence supporting our ratings are set out in the evidence tables.

Dr Sean O’Kelly BSc MB ChB MSc DCH FRCA

Chief Inspector of Health Care