Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice
This is a focused follow-up inspection of The Gill Medical Centre, for one area within the key question safe. We found the practice to be good in providing safe services. Overall the practice remains rated as good but is now good across all domains.
The practice was previously inspected on 12 July 2016. The inspection was a comprehensive inspection under the Health and Social Care Act 2008. At that inspection the practice was rated as good overall. However, within the key question safe, the following areas were identified as requiring improvement because the practice was not meeting the legislation at that time:
- The practice did not ensure that all staff had received appropriate training relevant to their role and that the training was suitable for the specific needs of the employee.
- The practice did not have a risk assessment in place relating to health and safety, regarding the storage of records or a risk assessment relating to legionella.
The practice provided us with an action plan detailing how they were going to make the required improvements.
The full comprehensive report following the inspection on the 12 July 2016 is available on our website at www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-545116667
The focused follow up inspection on 6 February 2017 was to confirm the required actions had been completed and award a new rating in the domain of safe, if appropriate.
During the re-inspection on 6 February 2017 the practice showed us evidence which demonstrated the improvements that had been made since the last inspection.
- All relevant staff had undertaken on-line training in the control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH).
- All GP partners and staff had received on-line and face to face training in emergency evacuation procedures.
- The practice had carried out a full fire evacuation drill and planned for this to be carried out on a six monthly basis.
- The practice showed evidence of a legionella risk assessment carried out in August 2016.
- A process for the receipt and dissemination of NICE guidance and MHRA alerts had been implemented.
- A process for the storage and security of prescription pads had been implemented.
- A risk assessment had been carried out by an independent health and safety advisor on the storage of records and was deemed safe and complied with current safety standards.
Professor Steve Field CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP
Chief Inspector of General Practice