• Dentist
  • Dentist

Charing Cross Practice (Norwich)

13 Charing Cross, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 4AX (01603) 616116

Provided and run by:
Charing Cross Practice

All Inspections

During an assessment under our new approach

We carried out this on-site announced assessment on 3 June 2024.

We found the practice had met regulations.

The practice had systems to manage risks and the recruitment procedures reflected current legislation.

Infection control procedures followed published guidance.

Patients’ care and treatment was provided in line with current guidance and patients were treated with dignity and respect.

At the time of our assessment, patients could access care, support and treatment when required.

There was effective leadership and a culture of continuous improvement.

Charing Cross Practice is in Norwich and provides private specialist (endodontic) dental treatment to adults and children.

At the time of our assessment, the dental team included 2 dentists, 4 dental nurses, 1 practice manager and a receptionist. The practice had 2 treatment rooms. During the assessment we spoke with the owner of the practice, 1 dentist, 2 dental nurses and the practice manager.

14 March 2013

During a routine inspection

During our inspection of the practice we spoke with three people who used the service, three dental nurses and briefly to the three dentists. We observed how people were greeted and respectfully treated when they arrived at the practice for their appointment. The staff made all the records, policies and information accessible to us.

The practice had systems in place to monitor and reduce the risk of cross infection, safeguarding people and investigating complaints. There was the opportunity for people to provide their views about the service through the practices' website and the day after their treatment when the staff telephoned them as a post operative check up call. Both surgeries on the first floor could be accessed by people with mobility difficulties by the use of a stair lift. The practice provided information to people via their website and practice brochure.

All three people we spoke with were very complimentary about the staff and the treatment they received. One person told us: "I was referred here by my dentist and it has gone extremely well, it'll be a shame I have to go back to my own surgery after I am finished." Another person said: "I have been coming for several appointments, the dentist explains everything to me and I have my treatment plan that explains the charges too, they have been very sensitive with me."

Comments such as "high standards"..." friendly staff"..."very professionally run" were also received during the course of the inspection.