24 November 2016
During a routine inspection
The service is managed by the registered provider, so does not require a registered manager. Registered providers are ‘registered persons’ who have a legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People were supported by sufficient numbers of staff who delivered support when they were supposed to do so. People were supported to be safe by staff who understood their responsibilities with regard to protecting people they were caring for from harm or abuse. Potential risks to people’s safety had been assessed and responded to.
People who required support to take their medicines received assistance to do so. Staff who provided this assistance to people had been trained and assessed as competent to do so.
People were cared for by staff who received the training and support they required to carry out their roles effectively. People were asked for their agreement to their care and had opportunities to provide written consent. People were supported to maintain their health and have sufficient to eat and drink.
People had positive relationships with their care workers. Relatives felt that their relations were treated with kindness and people’s privacy and dignity were respected. People, who used the service, were encouraged to contribute to the planning and review of their care.
People told us that they were kept informed of changes to their visits and their changing needs were responded to. People’s care plans contained sufficient information to guide staff in supporting people.
People were provided with information about how to make a complaint and complaints were responded to. People who used the service and staff were able to express their views about the service. Staff felt supported by the management team. There were systems in place to monitor quality to drive improvements within the service.