- Dentist
Bupa Dental Care St Mary Axe
All Inspections
24 May 2013
During a routine inspection
People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual treatment plan. People liked the practice because the staff were friendly, treatment options and fees were fully explained and they were able to get an appointment easily. People told us they had time to discuss their treatment with the dentist. One person we spoke with told us, 'they go through the treatment plan. I ask lots of questions and they are always patient and give me all the information I need.'
Staff received appropriate professional development. People using the service told us they thought the dentists and staff working in the practice were knowledgeable and competent. One person we spoke with told us, 'the staff are all knowledgeable and it feels quite personal because they know about your treatment.'
The practice and treatment areas appeared clean and hygienic. People told us they thought the practice was clean. One person said, it's really clean, I have no concerns about the cleanliness.'