- Homecare service
Majestic Healthcare Ltd
Report from 7 August 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Kindness, compassion and dignity
- Treating people as individuals
- Independence, choice and control
- Responding to people’s immediate needs
- Workforce wellbeing and enablement
People were supported in a kind and caring way by staff they liked and felt comfortable with.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Kindness, compassion and dignity
People and relatives felt they were treated with kindness, compassion and dignity. A relative told us, “The staff are like family. Everything is fine. My relation hasn’t got a sense of humour, but they make him laugh. They help me tremendously.”
Staff were aware of how to treat people with kindness and compassion. They also told us they supported people in a dignified way. One staff member said, “We make sure we know before we go into people’s homes, if we let ourselves in, we always give a shout and ask if it’s okay. For personal care we shut the doors and curtains so no one else can see.”
As part of this assessment, we asked for feedback from the local authority. No concerns were identified with the care people received.
Treating people as individuals
People and relatives felt the care they received was individual. They felt involved with the process. A relative told us, “The carers will often initiate things and do them in a certain way which is better”.
The registered manager told us people’s individual needs were now considered. They told us they had spoken with people and their families to discuss this, and care plans were in place that reflected these needs. Staff knew people well and were able to tell us what people’s individual needs were and the support they may need.
Systems had been introduced to ensure peoples individual needs were assessed and considered. This included ensuring people’s preferences had been considered.
Independence, choice and control
People and relatives raised no concerns to us. People felt they were encouraged to do things for themselves, when they could. One relative commented, “The staff are very patient they wait and chat whilst my relation is doing something. They never make him feel rushed.”
The registered manager confirmed people were involved with their care and made choices around how this was delivered. Staff told us they encouraged people to be as independent as possible and completed tasks for themselves when they could.
Care plans in place ensured staff had information available about how they supported people to make choices and remain independent.
Responding to people’s immediate needs
People and relatives felt their needs were responded to. They told us they had the opportunity to be part of regular reviews where they could discuss concerns or changes to their needs.
The registered manager told us they had regularly reviews of people’s care either face to face and/or over the telephone to ensure they had the most up to date information available for people. If changes occurred, they reviewed people’s care to ensure these changes were reflected.
Workforce wellbeing and enablement
The registered manager spoke about the importance of the staff team and how staff meetings and communication with the team was important. Staff told us they felt supported by the registered manager.
There were systems in place to ensure staff were recognised, appreciated and valued this included an employee of the month incentive scheme.