• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: The Crescent Care Home with Nursing

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

27-29 Meyrick Park Crescent, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH3 7AG (01202) 553660

Provided and run by:
Rhetor 17 Limited

All Inspections

17 April 2018

During a routine inspection

The Crescent Care Home with Nursing is a ‘care home’. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as a single package under one contractual agreement. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection.

The Crescent Care Home with Nursing is registered to provide nursing and personal care with accommodation for up to 40 people,although the home only usually accommodates up to 33 people as seven rooms are for double occupancy. At the time of our inspection it accommodated 31 older people in one adapted building in a residential area of Bournemouth.

At our last inspection we rated the service Good. At this inspection we found the evidence continued to support the rating of Good and there was no evidence or information from our inspection and ongoing monitoring that demonstrated serious risks or concerns. This inspection report is written in a shorter format because our overall rating of the service has not changed since our last inspection.


At this inspection we found the service remained Good.

People were supported by staff who understood the risks they faced and how to support them to reduce these. Staff understood how to identify and report abuse. Staff also supported people to take medicines safely.

People liked the food and there were systems in place to ensure they ate and drank safely.

People were supported by skilled and caring staff, the majority of whom at worked in the home for a long time, to ensure they lived their life the way they chose. Communication styles and methods were considered and staff supported people to understand the choices available to them.

Staff supported people in the least restrictive way possible. The systems in the service supported this practice and continued to be developed as people’s needs changed.

People had access to activities and tasks. These were not always recorded. We have made a recommendation about this.

People and relatives told us they could raise any concerns and these were addressed appropriately. They told us that the registered manager and the whole staff team were approachable.

Quality assurance systems involved people and were being developed to support the provision of a safe and good quality service.

Further information is in the detailed findings below.

28 October and 3 November 2015

During a routine inspection

This was an unannounced comprehensive inspection carried out by one Inspector on 28 October and 3 November 2015. We last inspected the home in July 2013 when we found the service was compliant with regulations and the standards required at that time.

The Crescent Care Home with Nursing is registered to provide nursing and personal care with accommodation for up to 40 people, although the home only usually accommodates up to 33 people as seven rooms are for double occupancy.

At the time of the inspection there were 32 people living at the home.

The owner of the home is registered as the manager of the service. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

The Crescent Care Home with Nursing provided a safe service to people. Staff had been trained in safeguarding adults and were knowledgeable about how to refer any concerns of abuse.

Risks to people’s health, whether this was through the delivery of their care or concerning the physical environment, had been assessed to make sure the home ran as safely as possible .

Accidents and incidents were monitored and audited to see if there were any trends that could make systems and care delivery safer.

The home employed sufficient qualified nursing and care staff to meet people’s needs.

There were robust recruitment procedures followed to make sure competent and suitable staff were employed to work at the home. There was little staff recruitment as the home had a long-standing staff team.

Medicines were managed safely in the home.

The staff or team were well-trained and there were systems in place to make sure staff received update training when required. Staff were also supported to attain additional skills through further training courses.

The home was meeting the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, with appropriate referrals to the local authority for people deprived of their liberty.

People’s consent was gained for how they were cared for and supported.

Staff were supported through one to one supervision and annual appraisals.

People were provided with a good standard of food and the nutritional needs met.

Everyone we spoke with were extremely positive about the staff team and the high standards of care provided in the home. People also reported that their privacy and dignity were respected.

Care planning was effective and up to date, making sure people’s needs were met. Concerns identified on the first day of the inspection were addressed by the second day of our inspection, to make sure that people’s personalised routines were followed by the staff.

Activities were organised communally and on an individual basis to keep people meaningfully occupied.

The home had a well-publicised complaints policy and we saw that on the rare occasion that complaints were made, they were logged and responded to.

There were systems in place to monitor the quality of service provided to people.

There was good leadership of the home and a positive ethos and culture prevailing in the home.

16 July 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with the manager, six people living at the home, one visitor and five members of the staff team. There were 33 people living at The Crescent at the time of our inspection.

People and visitors that we spoke with were positive about the way the home was run and managed. No complaints or concerns were raised with us during our visit.

People told us that they staff were "kind and friendly", the food was good, the home was kept clean and there were organised activities to keep them occupied.

Before people received any care or treatment they were asked for their consent and the provider acted in accordance with their wishes.

We found that care plans accurately reflected people's needs and had been drawn up with their involvement.

Appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work.

People were protected against the risks associated with medicines because the provider had appropriate arrangements in place to manage medicines.

The provider had suitable quality assurance procedures in place to manage the health and welfare of people living in the home. People were able to comment on the service provided.

24 January 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We carried out this inspection on 24 January 2014, to follow up on compliance actions made at the last inspection of the home in October 2012. We spoke to one member of staff and the manager.

We found that the home had a robust quality assurance system in place to ensure standards in the home were maintained.

20 September 2012

During a routine inspection

People living at The Crescent were very positive about their experience of living at the home and no one had any complaints or concerns about how the home was run and managed.

People told us that they had good relationships with the staff, who were described as kind and helpful. They told us that the home was kept clean and warm. They told us that the standard of food was very good and there were activities arranged to keep people occupied.

People told us that they were involved in decisions about how they were looked after and that they could choose when they got up and when they went to bed. They told us that they could also choose to participate in activities or not.

There were some systems in place to monitor and review the quality of the service. However, where people were being nursed in bed, the home did not have systems in place to monitor and record when people were repositioned. Also the risks associated with the use of bed rails were not assessed and monitored.