Priory Hospital East Midlands is in Annesley in Nottingham and is one of the hospitals of Partnerships in Care Limited. The provider offers a specialised assessment and treatment to help patients for return to either local services or alternative appropriate accommodation.
We carried out this unannounced focused inspection because we received information giving us concerns about the safety and quality of the service.
We inspected safe and well-led key questions for the service. We did not inspect the caring, effective and responsive domains. The domains of caring, effective and responsive are currently rated as Good and will not change following this inspection.
However, we rated the safe and well-led key questions as inadequate and so the service is now rated inadequate overall. We have placed the service in special measures.
Following the inspection, the provider was issued with a section 31 letter of intent. The letter of intent informs the provider of CQC intention to take urgent enforcement action if improvements highlighted are not made immediately. The provider responded to the concerns we raised and put in place measures to safeguard people who used the service.
The provider submitted an action plan which provided us with assurance that appropriate action is being and will continue to be taken.
In addition, we served the provider two warning notices which required them to make improvement to the management of ligature risk, the way observations are carried out, the safe disposal of medicines and clinical sharp waste, the appropriate monitoring of phycial health following the administration of rapid tranquilisation and making improvements required following our last inspection. The provider must have robust governance arrangements in place to manage risk effectively, to ensure there are always enough staff with the right skills and competence to meet patients needs and that all staff had the information they needed to understand what care they needed to deliver to patients and that they had robust systems in place to ensure that staff entering the building had their identitity check and had the right skills and experience to keep patients safe and meet their needs. The provider is required to ensure they make the required improvements by 29 August 2022.
Services placed in special measures will be inspected again within six months. If insufficient improvements have been made such that there remains a rating of inadequate overall or for any key question or core service, we will take action in line with our enforcement procedures to begin the process of preventing the provider from operating the service.
The service will be kept under review; if we have cause for concern we will not hesitate to inspect and take any appropriate action to ensure those using the service are safe and well cared for.
Our rating of this location went down. We rated it as inadequate because:
- Some of the concerns raised at the previous inspection such as staff not following infection prevention and control procedures, wards being unclean and not fit for purpose, food not being labelled appropriately, patients' physical health monitoring not being carried out adequately after receiving rapid tranquillisation and the use of blanket restrictions had not been fully addressed.
- Since the last inspection in December 2021 there had been no progress in reducing restriction interventions within the service. We saw the restrictions on access to the garden on Barton ward was still in place.
- Staff had completed individual risk assessment for patients at risk of ligating however we were concerned that the toilets in ensuite bathrooms posed a ligature risk. The service had not reduced or removed all risks identified to keep patients safe, in particular the risk of patients having access to potential ligature anchor points in vacant unlocked bedrooms.
- The service did not act in a timely manner to resolve maintenance issues. On Littlemore ward we found a patient’s shower was leaking into their bedroom.
- The service did not have enough staff who knew the patients and staff did not always receive basic information to keep patients safe. The service relied heavily on agency staff and there was high use of agency staff. Leaders did not have oversight of agency staff and there weren’t the necessary checks in place in order to check identity of agency staff entering the building. The service did not always manage safe staffing well, not all shifts had an appropriate gender mix of staff.
- There had been no improvement to the way staff managed rapid tranquilisation since the last inspection in December 2021. Staff did not always follow the provider’s use of rapid tranquilisation policy to ensure all patients received physical health checks following administration of rapid tranquilisation.
- Staff did not always follow the provider’s infection, prevention and control (IPC) policy and did not always wear face masks correctly (as required during the pandemic) putting patients at risk of Covid 19.
- Some staff did not feel respected and valued by senior leaders.
- Staff did not always follow the provider’s observation policy by observing patients in an appropriate and prescribed way in line with good practice.
- Handovers were completed, however not all risks and information were recorded and handed over in a timely manner. This meant that staff were not always aware of risks or key aspects of care for patients.
- The service did not have effective systems in place to manage contraband or restricted items by storing them in the correct way. This issue was raised at the inspection in December 2021.
- The service did not always manage medicines disposal safely.
- Managers did not always investigate complaints thoroughly. Managers failed to ensure all complaints had been fully recorded, investigated and changes made to practice to ensure they did not reoccur.
- Incidents that were recorded were thoroughly investigated
- The patients we spoke with told us that staff were caring, approachable and respectful.