- Homecare service
Helto Support
Report from 27 October 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Learning culture
- Safe systems, pathways and transitions
- Safeguarding
- Involving people to manage risks
- Safe environments
- Safe and effective staffing
- Infection prevention and control
- Medicines optimisation
People were protected from avoidable harm, and they told us staff supported them safely. The registered manager regularly carried out spot checks on staff to ensure safe practices were carried out and to check people were happy with the support they received. Risk assessments and care plans were clear and provided suitable guidance for staff to keep people safe. Staff were recruited safely and trained and supported to carry out their role effectively.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Learning culture
People and their relatives told us they or their family members received safe care and support. People told us their care plans were under constant review to ensure they received appropriate support. One relative said, “The manager constantly involves us in the care package and constantly discussed things with us.”
Staff told us the registered manager was supportive and listened when they raised any concerns. Staff were confident appropriate actions would be taken to address issues raised. The registered manager told us they led by example and always looked at ways they could improve the service.
Accidents and incidents were analysed, and actions taken to mitigate risks. Staff understood their roles and responsibilities to record and report accidents and incidents. Lesson learnt following incidents were also discussed through supervisions and staff meetings. A lessons learnt audit was in place and detailed what went well and what could be implemented to improve the service.
Safe systems, pathways and transitions
People and their relatives were happy with the way the service worked in partnership with healthcare professionals. People told us staff responded quickly if they required any support from healthcare professionals. One person said, “They [staff] would call for a doctor if I needed them to.” People told us staff knew them well and could tell if there was something wrong. Relatives were confident staff would involve them in their family members care and would contact other professionals if needed.
Staff and leaders were knowledgeable about the process to follow to assist with transitions between care services. Staff were aware the provider had an emergency flow chart they had to follow in emergencies.
We obtained positive feedback from partners working alongside the provider. One professional said, “Helto have provided a stabilising influence for [person] and good all-round support for their social care needs.” Another professional said, “I am involved in a homecare transfers project and many of the people they support have chosen to remain with Helto through Direct Payments, rather than transfer to a new provider which shows that the people they support have confidence in their service.”
There were good, detailed assessments in care records to give information to healthcare professionals when moving between services. We saw referrals were made when required to promote safe care. Advice was sought and followed.
People told us they felt safe when staff visited them. One relative said, “They [staff] look after [relative] safely and I know when the carers come, she is in good hands, I know they will look after her well.” Another relative said, “I am confident of [relatives] safety and don't worry about their care. This is massively reassuring and supportive.”
Staff understood safeguarding and were aware of the need to report any concerns. One staff member said, “If I suspected abuse, I would report it right away to my supervisor or the safeguarding lead. I am confident that the management would take appropriate action.” The registered manager understood their responsibilities and supported people in line with The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA).
The provider had a safeguarding policy and procedure in place and actioned any concerns. The manager kept a record of safeguarding concerns and learnt lessons to improve the service. Staff received training in safeguarding and understood what actions to take to keep people safe. Systems were in place to ensure people were supported in line with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). Where people lacked capacity, best interest decisions were made involving appropriate people.
Involving people to manage risks
People were confident risks associated with their care and support were managed safely. One person said, “I feel safe when they [staff] are around, they are very qualified, I never question their abilities. My carer is incredible.” A relative said, “They [staff] look after her safely and I know when the carers come, she is in good hands, I know they will look after her well. They [staff] look after her like she's their own mother.” Another relative said, “[Relative] is a frequent faller and since having Helto Support they have only had one fall. I am confident of [relatives] safety and don't worry about their care.”
Staff and leaders knew people well and were aware of risks associated with people’s care. Staff understood the importance of following up to date care plans and risk assessments to ensure safe care. One staff member said, “I manage risks associated with people's care and support by conducting assessments and updating care plans to align with any changes in their health and mobility. Staff members are involved through regular briefing and practices on any necessary adjustments.” Another staff member said, “We have risk management plans to reduce potential hazards, and I ensure all team members are aware of each person's individual needs. Keeping everyone safe involves clear communication, so I make sure the team is well-informed and follows safety protocols to create a secure environment for everyone.”
Risks associated with people’s care were identified and managed to keep people safe. Risk assessments contained clear information to support staff in delivering safe care. Staff competencies were completed for moving and handling to ensure staff had understood training and could carry out their learning in a safe way. For example, 1 care plan we reviewed included risks in relation to heat rash and how to care for any skin irritants. We also saw a risk assessment in place regarding oral care and precautions to take included brushing teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, eating a balanced diet, attending regular dental check-ups.
Safe environments
People and relatives told us staff ensured the caring environment was safe. For example, staff ensured areas were clutter free before assisting people to transfer from one place to another. People felt appropriate equipment was in place to manage risks associated with their care.
Staff told us they worked in a safe environment. One staff member said, “We have risk management plans to reduce potential hazards, and I ensure all team members are aware of each person's individual needs. Keeping everyone safe involves clear communication, so I make sure the team is well-informed and follows safety protocols to create a secure environment for everyone.”
Environmental risk assessments were also completed for each person’s home to ensure staff were supporting people in a safe environment. The registered manager completed spot checks to ensure any safety concerns were identified and managed to keep staff and people safe.
Safe and effective staffing
People and their relatives gave positive feedback about staff. They felt staff were knowledgeable and caring and supported them well. One person said, “I feel safe when they are around, they are very qualified, I never question their abilities.” A relative said, “We have the same carers, so we have got to know them really well.” Another relative said, “Staff are trained and know what to do. Carers are competent and I don't worry at all.”
Staff told us they enjoyed working for Helto Support and said the registered manager was supportive. One staff member said, “I have regular supervisions and 6 monthly appraisals. These meetings are generally supportive, allowing me to express any concerns or receive feedback. My manager in approachable and ensures that staff feel heard and valued.” Staff told us they received training which gave them the skills and knowledge to carry out their role well. One staff member said, “I have received adequate training and ongoing support that helps me perform my job effectively. This includes refreshers on best practice and new procedures.”
The provider's recruitment procedure assisted them in employing suitable staff. Records evidenced staff had received appropriate training to carry out their role well. The registered manager ensured staff were competent and had understood their learning prior to delivering care and support to people. New staff had the opportunity to shadow experienced staff and were only given their own work when they had proved their competency. The registered manager provided staff support through supervisions, appraisals and regular communication. There was a call monitoring system in place and a log was maintained to record late arrival calls and the reason. The registered manager closely monitored this to ensure people were informed if the staff were going to be late for the call.
Infection prevention and control
People and relatives told us staff maintained cleanliness and had access to aprons and gloves if required. People had observed staff washing their hands between tasks and left their homes tidy.
Staff had access to personal protective equipment and said this was readily available.
Processes in place to monitor infection prevention and control, were effective. Staff had received training in infection prevention and control and had read appropriate policies to ensure they were carrying out their roles in accordance with the providers processes.
Medicines optimisation
People told us they received their medicines as prescribed by staff who were trained and competent to assist them safely. One relative said, “Medicines are given correctly, and staff are trained and know what to do. Carers are competent and I don't worry at all.”
Staff informed us they received training in the safe handling of medicines and had their competencies checked on a regular basis. One staff member said, “I have received training in medicine management to safely administer medication as needed and ensure proper recording.” Another staff member said, “After training, our competencies are checked by observing our practice, and we get feedback to make sure we understand and follow the guidelines.”
Processes in place to ensure people received their medicines as prescribed, were effective. Staff had access to medication workbooks which offered guidance on legislation for administration of medicines. Medication competencies were completed to ensure staff were competent to administer medicines safely and as prescribed. The registered manager completed audits on medication administration records to ensure they were completed correctly and reflected medicines administered. Any errors were identified swiftly, and appropriate action taken to minimise future issues.