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  • Care home

Kingsmount Residential Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

30 Kingshurst Drive, Paignton, Devon, TQ3 2LT (01803) 663460

Provided and run by:
GrayAreas Limited

Report from 16 May 2024 assessment

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Updated 5 June 2024

The registered manager and deputy manager met with us in an on-line meeting on 29 May 2024, having previously provided specific information to CQC. Since the last inspection there were improved robust audit systems and processes in place to give the provider good oversight of the quality of the service provided. All incidents were reported, recorded and analysed and action was taken to reduce the risk of re-occurrence. The service was fully staffed. Staff received regular supervision, appropriate training and regular staff meetings. The provider offered the staff benefits from a scheme where they could claim back money for opticians, dentists and some shopping outlets. The registered manager was well supported by the deputy manager and the provider. There was a programme of renovation in place to update the environment. The service worked closely with external health and social care professionals. People, relatives, staff and external healthcare professionals were asked for their views and experiences of the service provided by Kingsmount. Responses to surveys, from meetings and results from audits were used to further improve the service. Feedback from everyone contacted was positive.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

There was a positive culture within the management team. The provider worked closely with the registered manager to further improve the quality of all aspects of the service provided. There was a service development and improvement plan in place which was regularly reviewed with the provider.

The shared direction within the service was underpinned by policies and procedures. An Inspection Review was carried out by the managing director or the operations manager and there was a process which recorded all required expenditure within the building and appropriate timeframes, progress and costs. This was reviewed weekly and updated live by the operations manager.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

Staff were positive about the management team at Kingsmount. Staff told us the registered manager was visible. One staff member commented “I have always lacked confidence in myself but (registered manager's name) has always supported me and my appraisal gave me confidence that they had faith in me.”

The Registered Manager was capable, compassionate and inclusive. Feedback received from people, staff, relatives, external healthcare professionals and documents provided supported this.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

Staff felt the manager was available and approachable. Staff told us they were well supported by the management team and felt confident to raise any concerns. Comments included, “We are always given the time to provide the person centred care approach and engage our service users as much as possible in any aspects of the care they require,” “I feel management is approachable, they've been very understanding with my hours since being back at work” and “(registered manager's name) encourages us to speak to them and supports us to develop further if we want to do courses.”

Staff attended shift handovers to discuss any issues or concerns staff had from the previous shift. Staff were also supported with staff meetings and supervisions to raise any concerns. Staff were invited to comment on the service through surveys. The registered manager had an open-door policy to ensure that staff could come in and raise any issues in private. Staff knew how to raise any concerns both externally and internally. The registered manager worked in an open and transparent way when incidents occurred at the service in line with their responsibilities under the duty of candour and records confirmed this. The registered manager was supported by their deputy manager and had regular meetings with the provider to share information.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

From speaking with the registered manager and the feedback we received, it was evident that equality, diversity and inclusion was embedded within both recruitment and workforce development. Staff told us that their requests for specific working hours were supported and any needs they had were accommodated. The registered manager was supporting some staff to become 'leads' in specific areas of care and support to further increase the knowledge and skills in the staff team and improve the standard of care provided.

The registered manager met with staff individually to discuss their development needs and any issues they may have. No one raised any concerns in this regard.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

Staff shared their views on the running of the service through surveys, team meetings and supervisions. People had been supported to complete a survey. Feedback was positive. Comments included, “The staff look after us well” and “The food is delicious.” Staff told us that one person said, “You have completely changed my view on care homes. Since I came here, and I was not keen to start with, I have watched you all caring and supporting people. You always come and ask me what I need. I have just watched and been very impressed." Relatives responded to a survey. Comments included, “I’m very happy with my mother’s care and so is the rest of the family” and “The care received was exemplary.”

The provider and registered manager had robust systems and processes in place to monitor the quality of the service provided. The provider was able to review the programme of audits which the registered manager and team carried out. Staff were prompted to update training when required. Supervision records showed staff had been regularly supported on a one-to-one basis by the registered manager. All incidents and any unplanned event were reported, recorded and action was taken to reduce the risk of re-occurrence. There was a maintenance and renovation programme in place.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

The service had a good working relationship with the GP and community nursing teams. The management team of Kingsmount and the sister service met regularly to share experiences and knowledge. There were no other comments from people or their relatives about their experience of staff working with partnerships and communities on their behalf.

Conversations with the registered manager demonstrated that staff worked well with a range of health professionals. No concerns were raised by external leaders. Staff told us they were able to contact people’s GP’s and community nurses when needed and followed advice given.

We requested feedback from 5 health professionals involved with the service. We received 2 responses. Comments included, “I have always experienced Kingsmount as a friendly easy approachable care home where the ethos of the home is always to put the resident first” and “Kingsmount enable me to speak with patients/relatives if required. One reported that they always found Kingsmount staff to be very responsive to people's changing needs and had no concerns about the service.

The service had a good relationship with the GP and nurse practitioner and had access to them by phone and email for medical support. The registered manager had a good working relationship with the local authority. The service had sought training from local health professionals, for example, staff had arranged face to face training on bladder and bowel care.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

The registered manager was described as ‘supportive’, ‘available’, ‘kind and caring’ and ‘helpful’. One staff member told us, “I struggle with electronic learning and so the manager helps me to do this in the office.” The registered manager told us of plans to support staff to become ‘leads’ in areas of specialty such as end of life care.

The service continuously looked at how they could improve the experience of living at Kingsmount. The registered manager described how the service sought people's views and opinions through surveys. We noted that the results of the surveys were positive. Any suggestions were acted upon, such as menu changes and activities.