26 October 2020
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following examples of good practice:
• The service allowed people to meet visitors in a designated visitors room. This was accessible from outside the building without visitors moving around the rest of the service. Rigorous procedures were in place to minimise the risk of infection, including requiring visitors to wear and use protective clothing and masks to minimise the risk of infection to people and staff. People and their visitors were provided with a cream tea during the visit.
• Staff had also helped people to stay in touch with family and friends through phone calls, and through the internet. Regular newsletters were sent out to people’s family and friends to keep them updated about life at the service. Staff had assisted people to learn to use IT and social media applications so they could keep in touch with family and friends, subsequently without people being dependent on others to help them. Electronic tablets had been donated from members of the local community to help people to stay in touch with friends and family.
• The service had identified an area of the building which could be used for people should they need to isolate, and /or who were admitted to the service. This ensured there was minimal risk from infection to other people at the service. Robust admission procedures were in place, for example, the service requiring documentary evidence of Covid-19 test results before people move in, followed by a period of self-isolation.
• The service was providing a range of social activities for people to help to keep them entertained and occupied. The service had a dedicated activities organiser who provided one to one, and group activities. The service used the grounds of the building well.
• Staff had received suitable training and guidance regarding infection control, and how to respond to the Covid 19 pandemic. Throughout the inspection we observed staff demonstrating suitable knowledge of good infection control practice.
• The service was very clean and had effective cleaning routines to ensure risks were minimised and people were kept safe. Additional ancillary staff had been employed, since the start of the pandemic, to help keep hygiene standards to a high standard.
• The registered manager said staff sickness throughout the period of the pandemic had been minimal. Where necessary the service used dedicated bank staff who did not work in other care settings.