• Care Home
  • Care home

Avondene Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

171 Stanpit, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 3LY (01202) 483991

Provided and run by:
Christchurch Housing Society

Report from 12 April 2024 assessment

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Requires improvement

Updated 29 April 2024

Improvements had been made to systems to ensure the home operated safely and in line with policies and procedures. However, further improvement was needed to ensure the systems were embedded and robust. Provider oversight of the home was being developed to ensure shortfalls were identified and addressed. People and staff had confidence in the registered manager and felt comfortable to raise concerns or communicate with them. Staff felt supported, valued and the home was inclusive.

This service scored 61 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 2

Formal processes were being developed at the time of our inspection and the provider had kept us updated.

Staff and leaders were committed to the people living at Avondene Care Home. However, the provider oversight was not consistent to ensure the home had a focus. The home operated independently of the provider. We raised this with the provider, and they told us they were strengthening their oversight to improve the culture and direction of the home. The plans were shared with us following the inspection.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 2

Policies and procedures in place meant everyone was welcome at Avondene Care Home. People and their relatives spoke of the kindness within the home.

People, their relatives and staff were confident about the leadership of the home. Some of the improvements made during our last inspection had not been sustained, for example, oversight of processes relating to environmental safety and medicines. The provider told us they would work to improve the leadership and oversight within the home and started to make improvements during the inspection.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

Staff felt confident in the registered manager and provider to address any concerns they had. They were confident their voice would be heard.

Staff had access to whistleblowing policies and systems were in place to identify concerns and raise issues.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

Staff had access to the care home’s policies and procedures through an application on their phones. The provider had an up to date ‘Equality and Diversity Policy’. Staff told us they were able to ask for reasonable adjustments to be made to their working patterns for specific needs, for example to incorporate family commitments or to look after their loved ones. Staff had access to the care home’s policies and procedures through an application on their phones. The provider had an up to date ‘Equality and Diversity Policy’. Staff told us they were able to ask for reasonable adjustments to be made to their working patterns for specific needs, for example to incorporate family commitments or to look after their loved ones.

People’s differences were accepted, and they were supported by staff who understood them. Staff were supported and happy in their work. Avondene Care Home had a good atmosphere and friendly manner throughout.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 2

People and their relatives were complimentary about the registered manager and staff working in the home. Systems were in place to monitor and check the home but were not always comprehensive enough to ensure everything operated as it should.

Governance systems were in place but needed strengthening to ensure they could be sustained. The provider told us they accepted the findings of the inspection and would work to address the areas for improvement within the governance systems in the home. Improvements had been made within the home to the governance arrangements. However, they had not always been sustained. Audits carried out had not always identified shortfalls found within the inspection. The systems to learn lessons and be proactive needed to be developed further.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

Avondene Care Home shared information as requested. However, the processes within the home did not always allow for proactive sharing to improve systems within the home. The provider told us they would be developing this area to ensure the home actively sought to improve and innovate.

Avondene Care Home had a good level of partnership working with other agencies and professionals.

Staff told us they felt supported by outside professionals and had a good relationship.

People were encouraged to maintain relationships and friendships on an individual basis, visitors were welcome to the home.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 2

Staff worked and communicated well with each other to find solutions and be proactive. However, this was not always carried out in a formal way, documented to ensure any improvements remained consistent.

A range of audits were carried out. However, these were not used to improve the home or learn within the team. The provider sought to improve this area during the inspection.