• Care Home
  • Care home

Avondene Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

171 Stanpit, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 3LY (01202) 483991

Provided and run by:
Christchurch Housing Society

Report from 12 April 2024 assessment

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Updated 29 April 2024

People were safe and protected from harm. There were enough staff who were skilled to provide care and support, they knew people well. Risks to people were managed well, the documentation was not as detailed as it could be, this was worked on during and after the inspection. The home did not always share the learning from incidents to reduce or prevent them happening again. People received medicines as prescribed, however, guidance for some medicines was not always comprehensive. Infection prevention and control measures were robust.

This service scored 69 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 2

There was a process in place to identify, record and learn from incidents that happened within the home. However, this had not always been followed. The registered manager had reviewed all incidents for the previous year but was not up to date. We raised this with staff, and they updated and rectified gaps in the analysis.

People and their relatives were complimentary about the home, they were happy.

Staff told us they felt they could keep people safe and understood what to do in an emergency. Staff told us they shared information about people with the team.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 3

People were complimentary about the service. People were given the opportunity to give their views and contribute to the care they received. Surveys had been completed by visitors to the home and were positive, this meant the home could demonstrate listening to views.

External health and social care professionals were very complimentary about staff and the care people receive. Some comments were: “Staff seem to be really friendly, the home is clean, residents happy. Smells really nice here, it’s bright and airy even though it is an old building”, “Staff are always forthcoming with information. They are good with risk assessing. They seem to know their residents really well as individuals”, “During my visits I have always found the staff very helpful and courteous. The residents appear exceptionally well looked after. They always appear comfortable and happy in their environment”, “All peoples needs are met and are being met well.”

There was a robust system in place when people needed to be admitted to hospital. This allowed staff to be efficient and to concentrate on the care they were providing to people in an emergency. The process included supplying summary care plans and risk assessments, details of a person’s medical history and list of medicines.

The provider took appropriate steps to ensure that all staff members were introduced and trained on the new electronic system. The system allowed staff to see people’s care records and to complete their daily notes. Staff told us the registered manager acted quickly by introducing an additional staff member to work on one-to-one basis with a person with additional needs.


Score: 3

People, their relatives and staff told us Avondene Care Home was a safe place to be. People were happy living at the home, they told us it was small, friendly and like a family.

Safeguarding procedures were robust. Records confirmed referrals had been made to the local authority safeguarding team as required.

Staff understood safeguarding procedures. All staff had completed training with regular updates. Staff knew how to raise concerns both within the home and externally. They were confident the registered manager would take their concerns seriously and follow up on any safeguarding incidents.

People and staff interactions were affectionate. It was clear they knew each other well and were comfortable in each other’s company.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

Staff understood people’s risks. Staff spoke confidently about people and how they supported them to stay safe, such as, risks of falls.

Staff supported people in line with safe practices and their individual risk assessments. Staff were supporting people to transfer using equipment using correct techniques. Staff kept in constant communication with people offering reassurance and comfort.

People had risk assessments in place for their care and support. However, records were not always detailed enough to give clear instructions to staff. The provider took immediate action to develop the risk assessments to ensure they were comprehensive.

People were confident they were safe. People and staff told us they were safe with staff at Avondene Care Home.

Safe environments

Score: 2

Utility checks were not always carried out as planned. We raised this with the provider, and they arranged for the checks to be carried out. We received confirmation following the inspection, the necessary certification was in place.

People and their relatives told us they enjoyed the environment. People’s bedrooms were decorated to their taste, and they were encouraged to bring their own belongings in with them.

Avondene Care Home was maintained well. Décor, fixtures, fittings, and equipment were in good working order.

Staff were confident in safety procedures within the home, such as, fire safety. Staff had received training in keeping people safe, fire safety and using equipment.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

Staff respected each other and worked well as a team. They told us there was enough staff to meet people’s needs.

Staffing levels were calculated using a dependency tool. This assessed people’s needs against number of staff required to ensure safe care. The levels were under continual review. Training records showed staff were up to date with their mandatory training and attended regular refresher training to ensure their knowledge and skills were kept updated. Supervision and appraisal records confirmed staff received the support they needed. Staff were recruited safely, and recruitment records reflected this. Procedures were in place to ensure the required checks were carried out on staff before they commenced their employment. This included enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks for adults. DBS checks provide information including details about convictions and cautions held on the police national computer. The information helps employers make safer recruitment decisions.

People and their relatives told us staff were there when they needed them. People were complimentary about the staff team and said they were extremely kind and caring.

There was a calm atmosphere in the home, staff were not rushed. People had staff attention when they requested it. Staffing levels were increased as needed to ensure people were safe and we observed this in practice.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

Infection prevention and control policies were in place. The home worked with cleaning schedules and records showed these were completed appropriately.

Avondene Care Home was an older style adapted building. The home was clean, free from clutter and odours. Staff wore PPE as appropriate around the home.

Staff received training in infection prevention and control along with regular reminders. Personal protective equipment (PPE) was readily available to staff. Dedicated staff ensured the home was clean and hygienic. Staff understood it was everyone’s responsibility to keep themselves and others safe from avoidable infections.

People told us the home was clean, tidy and they could arrange their own belongings how they wanted.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

People had individual Medicine Administration Records (MAR) this included a photograph, details of GP and known allergies. MAR were completed correctly, however, guidance for medicines people took occasionally were not in place in line with the providers policy. This meant there was a risk people would not receive these medicines consistently. The provider arranged for these to be put in place and we received evidence of this following the inspection. Medicines which required stricter controls by law were kept securely and stock counts were correct.

Staff who gave medicines had received training and their competency was checked by the registered manager to ensure their practice was safe.

People received the medicines as prescribed. Staff explained what each tablet was for when giving people their medicines.