12 February 2021
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following examples of good practice.
At the time of our visit the home had never had a resident that had contracted Covid-19 and 100% of residents had received their first vaccine for Covid-19.
The home was clean and free from clutter. Cleaning schedules were in place for day to day cleaning.
The service provided safe and effective ways for people to visit their relatives during the Covid-19 pandemic. The home’s front porch was used as a testing area and personal protective equipment (PPE) donning area for visitors. Staff always answered the door to visitors and prompted them to use hand sanitiser and don PPE.
Visiting arrangements were in accordance with Public Health England guidance. The registered manager had emailed families and carers and spoken with them about the home’s social distancing and visiting arrangements. At the time of inspection one resident was being supported to spend time safely with their family at a time that suited them. Other residents’ families had decided not to visit the home, to minimise the potential risk of infection transmission.
The home offered families and carers video calls from a range of video calling providers at a time that suited them. The home also provided telephone calls for families and carers at any time.
The home had reduced their full capacity for the duration of the pandemic from 11 resident to nine. The home’s shared rooms were changed to single occupancy for the duration of the pandemic. The home had a contingency plan for safe zoning and cohorting of residents in the event of a Covid-19 outbreak. The home had a downstairs extension that could be utilised in the event of residents needing to isolate from the rest of the home.
The service participated in the whole home testing programme, this meant staff were tested for Covid-19 weekly and residents were tested every 28 days.
Systems were in place to ensure staff isolated for the required period should they test positive for Covid-19. Staff breaks whilst at work were staggered for social distancing purposes. The home’s administrator worked from home during the pandemic to minimise the number of staff on the home’s premises.
Risk assessments had been completed for staff that were more at risk if they contracted the virus.
Staff had received additional training in infection prevention and control (IPC) and Covid-19 to ensure they understood what actions to take in the event of themselves or residents becoming symptomatic and how to provide care safely.
The home’s IPC policy and IPC audits were satisfactory. IPC audits were carried out monthly and included extra measures the home had put in place due to Covid-19. Any shortfalls identified during the IPC audits were immediately addressed.