- Homecare service
Positive OT & Case Management Ltd
Report from 24 October 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Shared direction and culture
- Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
- Freedom to speak up
- Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
- Governance, management and sustainability
- Partnerships and communities
- Learning, improvement and innovation
This key question has been rated good. We assessed all the quality statements in the well-led key question and found areas of good practice. We found improvements to the governance arrangements since our last inspection. Robust audits and quality checks were in place. The provider worked in very close collaboration with partners. The registered manager was skilled and provided strong and effective leadership.
This service scored 79 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Staff felt involved and engaged with the service. The registered manager spoke passionately about the promoting the values and positive culture of the service.
Processes were in place to foster a shared direction and culture. There was a proactive approach to supporting and involving staff. The provider had clear goals and an action plan detailing further planned developments.
Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
We received very positive feedback about how the service was managed and led from people, relatives and staff. The registered manager and senior team were approachable, and staff described good communication and feeling listened to. Comments included, "It is a tight knit company and very family and people orientated" and, ""I love this company. Everyone is here for the same reason. Everyone cares. That is down to the leadership who have created a company that really cares." The registered manager demonstrated they were capable, compassionate and inclusive.
Processes were in place which meant the registered manager and senior team were visible and worked inclusively with staff, relatives and people. Records showed there had been multiple compliments received about the quality of the management and leadership of the service. In a survey of staff 'views 100% of staff said they felt well supported by the management.
Freedom to speak up
Staff told us they had access to the Whistleblowing Policy and understood how they could raise concerns, should they wish to. The registered manager told us they had recently conducted an anonymous questionnaire with staff to seek their views.
The provider had clear processes in place to advise and support staff to raise concerns and speak up.
Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
Staff told us they felt supported as individuals by the provider. The registered manager clearly demonstrated how staff were valued and included. They told us about the benefits of a recent well-being day which had been coordinated to support staff. Future events were also planned.
Processes were in place to ensure there was an inclusive culture and staff felt supported and respected as individuals. The provider had a clear recruitment policy and had a focus on ensuring staff were recruited who were compatible with the people they were employed to provide care and support for. The provider had commissioned the support of an external human resources service to provide access to confidential support for staff wellbeing. The provider had recently introduced breakfast support groups and drop ins to provide additional support for staff. Systems were in place to support staff to work flexibly. There had been recent sessions to support staff in areas such as menopause and mental health awareness.
Governance, management and sustainability
The registered manager provided detailed assurances about how audits supported the management team to maintain oversight.
The provider had developed improved comprehensive audits and quality checks across all areas of the business to ensure they had effective oversight and systems to drive improvements in quality and safety. There was a clear organisational structure and roles and responsibilities were clearly defined. Policies were in place which were accessible and regularly updated and shared with staff. The provider had introduced electronic care planning which had improved consistent reporting and processes for monitoring.
Partnerships and communities
People and relatives said the provider worked in partnership with them. Relatives gave very positive feedback about how the service was managed and run. They felt listened to and included and described excellent communication and organisation. They had faith and trust in the leadership. Comments included, "Best thing about them is they listen" and, "I am really, really happy. They put [name of person] at the centre of things and discuss ways to help them thrive.”
Staff described strong links with partners which promoted genuine positive outcomes for people using the service. One staff member said, "It is a joy to have a multi-disciplinary meeting where everything is focused on the person."
Partners provided very positive feedback about the service. Comments included, "They are very responsive, and client focused" and, “They provide a great service to our clients." In a survey completed by the provider with stakeholders and other professionals 100% said they would be likely to refer the provider to other colleagues.
Systems were in place to foster partnership working. This included working with legal professionals and a wider multi-disciplinary team, including occupational therapists, physiotherapists and specialist nursing professionals providing input and contributing to people's plans of care. We have seen evidence of high levels of collaborative working. Joint working and the sharing of information with other agencies directly led to improved outcomes for people using the service.
Learning, improvement and innovation
The registered manager and senior team demonstrated their commitment to continuous learning and improvement. They spoke passionately about improvements that had already been made and future plans.
There was a strong focus on continued learning, innovation and continuous improvement. There was a clear strategy detailing future goals. Plans included further developing electronic systems to include medication and incident reporting and introducing an enhanced mentorship role to provide additional support for staff.