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  • Homecare service

Independent People Homecare

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

224 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, CM2 0LR (01245) 860361

Provided and run by:
Independent People Homecare Limited

Important: This service was previously registered at a different address - see old profile

Report from 17 September 2024 assessment

On this page



Updated 5 December 2024

We reviewed 4 quality statements under this key question; shared direction and culture; capable, compassionate, and inclusive leaders, governance, management, sustainability, and partnerships, and communities. At our last inspection, the provider was in breach of the regulations because they did not have an effective quality assurance system in place to identify and rectify issues and drive service improvement. At this assessment we found the provider had made enough improvement and was no longer in breach of regulation. Systems and processes were in place to drive improvements. Audits were robust which ensured people received safe care and treatment and the service achieved good outcomes for people. Staff were clear about their responsibilities and roles and felt supported by the registered manager and senior management team. Staff spoke positively about the leadership and culture of the service and felt valued in their roles. The registered manager and senior team were available and approachable to staff, people and their relatives. The service worked collaboratively with a range of external healthcare professionals to ensure people received appropriate support when required.

This service scored 64 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

There was an honest and open culture embedded within the service which was driven from the top down. Staff were motivated and proud of the service they provided. Comments included, “We have the best team; I cannot praise enough. People are receiving good care, our customers, relatives, and staff are happy,” “The staff are supportive and helpful it is down to good teamwork” and “Overall the company are really supportive of each other. It is a good team with good communication. The staff and customers are lovely.” There were clear lines of responsibility and accountability within the service. Staff understood their role within the organisation and where to go to for advice and support. All the staff that we spoke with had confidence in the management team and were positive about the support and encouragement they provided.

The provider had systems and process were in place to ensure information with shared with staff. Handovers took place in the people’s homes when there was a changeover of the ‘live in carer.’ Communications to staff was via email or telephone to keep them updated of any changes. Staff meetings were held to share information about people using the service, including lessons learned. Copies of the staff meeting minutes were provided if staff were unable to attend due to the geographical area of people using the service. Staff had the opportunity to share information in their 1:1 supervision. The registered manager told us they had an open-door policy and were available should any member of staff need to speak to them, alternatively the provider had a concerns email address for staff.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

The senior management team and staff were passionate about delivering quality care and achieving good outcomes for people. The inclusive culture of the service empowered staff and encouraged their professional and personal development. Staff were unanimous in telling us they felt supported and listened to. A staff member told us, “We have the best team; I could not praise enough. People are receiving good care, our customers, relatives and staff are happy.” The registered manager told us, “My challenge has been to improve the service. We want to provide the best possible care to people with the right skilled staff and for staff to feel looked after. I encourage the team to come to me with ideas so we can do things better.”

The registered manager told us they were well supported by the nominated individual and provider who were present in the office every day to offer support and guidance. Staff and leaders demonstrated a positive, compassionate culture that promoted trust and understanding between the staff and people using the service, which focused on learning and improvement. For example, we identified a concern on the day of our onsite assessment visit relating to a person’s care and treatment to which the provider responded positively with integrity, openness and honesty resulting in a good outcome for the person’s longer-term well-being.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 2

We did not look at Freedom to speak up during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 2

We did not look at Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

The registered manager told us they were well supported by the nominated individual and provider who were present in the office every day to offer support and guidance. Staff and leaders demonstrated a positive, compassionate culture that promoted trust and understanding between the staff and people using the service, which focused on learning and improvement. For example, we identified a concern on the day of our onsite assessment visit relating to a person’s care and treatment to which the provider responded positively with integrity, openness and honesty resulting in a good outcome for the person’s longer-term wellbeing.

The provider had effective governance systems and processes in place to monitor the service. These included the regular completion of a range of audits, for example, medicine and care plan audits. The provider was aware of their regulatory requirements and made statutory notifications to relevant agencies when required to do so. There was a system to manage accidents and incidents. The registered manager completed monthly reviews, which were analysed, reflected on and learnt from to identify any themes or trends. and drive improvement throughout the service.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

People and relatives told us they had access to and received appropriate health care treatment. They told us the service supported them to have joined up care with the involvement of other professionals as and when required.

The service worked collaboratively with external partners to ensure the best outcomes for people. Care plans showed referrals had been made to the GP, district nurse and speech and language therapists (SALT). Any instructions given following the assessments were clearly recorded for staff to follow.

Feedback from professionals was complimentary. Comments included, “They have always been keen to work proactively with other services and professionals involved,” and “They worked well with myself and the person to find carers who fit well.”

The provider worked in partnership with other key stakeholders to support care provision, service development and joined up care such as, local authorities, hospital discharge teams as well as other health care professionals.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 2

We did not look at Learning, improvement and innovation during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.