Regulatory fees for assessing integrated care systems: consultation outcome

Page last updated: 25 July 2024


Our decision and next steps

Our decision

In the short term, we intend to charge integrated care boards an annual regulatory fee to recover our costs for our regulatory oversight of integrated care systems. 

We considered and analysed all consultation responses and are grateful to all respondents for inputting their views. Following consideration of all consultation responses and acknowledging some suggestions from respondents are beyond our control as a regulator, we still consider the advantages of our proposed approach outweigh other options we considered. 

Next steps

Following government approval, we will publish an updated fees scheme, the level of integrated care board fees for 2024/25, and associated timings and process for payment ahead of starting assessments. We will continue to consider ways to mitigate our regulatory costs where possible, to ensure the most amount of money is available for patient care. 

Following further engagement with stakeholders, and findings from our pilot assessments of integrated care systems, we reviewed our approach and methodology for assessing integrated care systems. We want to ensure our reviews and performance assessments of integrated care systems add value to assessments we already undertake for organisations within an integrated care system. We also want to avoid duplication of work for integrated care boards and other organisations within an integrated care system, including those we regulate.