Scope of registration
Nursing care
This regulated activity covers nursing care where it is not part of another regulated activity.
Regulation 2(1) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 describes nursing care as any service that is provided by a registered nurse and involves:
- providing care, or
- planning, supervising or delegating the provision of care.
If you provide nursing care as a necessary part of another regulated activity, for example Treatment of disease, disorder or injury, there is no need to register separately for Nursing care. This regulated activity normally covers services that do not constitute treatment.
Most treatment or care carried out by a registered nurse will involve another regulated activity. Often this will be Treatment of disease disorder or injury, but other regulated activities may also apply. For example, health visiting may include vaccination, which is included in the activity of Treatment of disease disorder or injury, or may include a test that is included in Diagnostics and screening procedures.
What this regulated activity does NOT include
The following types of services are excepted and do not need to register for this regulated activity:
- Nurses' agencies providing agency or locum registered nurses. The supply of registered nurses by an employment agency or employment business to another service provider is not a regulated activity. This exception only applies where the agency is not responsible for directing or supervising the role of the registered nurse in any way.
- Introductory services that connect people with registered nurses. These services provide contact details to enable a person to choose a registered nurse to employ. For example, this might be where a registered nurse is introduced to someone who directs their own care through private funding or a personal budget arrangement. For this exception to apply, the provider of the introductory service must have no ongoing role in the direction or control of the service that the person then receives. Where a person makes a private arrangement and secures a registered nurse for their own care, under their direction, the service provided is exempt even if it did not involve an introductory agency or employment agency. For example, this may include where a person uses a personal budget or a self-pay arrangement.
The above exceptions do not apply to other regulated activities that the registered nurse may be providing. For example, Treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
Check if you need to register for Nursing care