Scope of registration
Accommodation for persons who require treatment for substance misuse
This regulated activity consists of residential accommodation for people together with treatment for substance misuse.
In this regulated activity, ‘treatment’ covers a range of recognised treatment interventions, such as managed withdrawal or detoxification, or a structured psychosocial treatment programme. It is not limited to treatment provided by a healthcare professional. These types of treatment will always trigger the need to register for this regulated activity if they are provided together with residential accommodation.
The activity covers residential accommodation – this is not the same as hospital accommodation where people receive detoxification treatment. For this activity to apply, a service provider must provide the accommodation 'together with' treatment to the same residents. This means that this activity does not apply to hospitals that provide detoxification treatments for substance misuse. The detoxification being provided in the hospital would be covered under the activity of Treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
The treatment for substance misuse does not necessarily need to be provided in the same place as the accommodation, it could be on a different site. For example, the treatment may be delivered in a community setting such as a day centre or community centre, with the people accommodated in separate facilities somewhere else. However, the accommodation and the treatment must be linked so that the accommodation is provided because someone requires and accepts treatment.
Related regulated activities
Personal care and Nursing care:
You do not have to additionally apply to register for the regulated activities of Personal care or Nursing care if you provide this activity. This is because they would be covered as part of the treatment you provide for the substance misuse. The only exception to this would be if you also provide personal or nursing care as a separate service (for example a domiciliary or homecare service).
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury:
In the same way, you do not also have to apply to register for Treatment of disease, disorder or injury. This is because the treatment for substance misuse is covered under the activity of Accommodation for persons who require treatment for substance misuse. You would only have to apply for Treatment of disease, disorder or injury if you provide other treatments that are separate from the treatment of substance misuse. For example, treating substance misuse includes detoxification, but you would also have to register for Treatment of disease, disorder or injury if:
- a doctor from the team treats a medical condition unrelated to the substance misuse, or is treating an eating disorder
- a registered nurse was managing a holistic care plan for a dual diagnosis patient and administering treatment for both mental illness and for substance misuse.
Check if you need to register for Accommodation for persons who require treatment for substance misuse