Portsmouth Hospital NHS Trust provides a full range of elective and emergency medical and surgical services to a local community of approximately 675,000 people who live in Portsmouth city centre and the surrounding areas of South East Hampshire. It provides some tertiary services to a wider catchment of approximately two million people. The trust also provides specialist renal and transplantation services and is host to the largest of five Ministry of Defence Hospital Units in England. Ministry of Defence staff work alongside NHS staff in the trust but have a separate leadership command structure. The trust employs over 7,000 staff.
Queen Alexandra Hospital is the acute district general hospital of the Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust. It is the amalgamation of three previous district general hospitals, re-commissioned into a Private Finance Initiative (PFI) in 2009. The hospital has approximately 1,250 inpatient beds, and has over 137,000 emergency attendances and over 429,000 outpatient attendances each year. There are 6,000 staff employed by the Trust and approximately a further 1,000 are employed by a provide provider in portering, cleaning, maintenance and catering services under a PFI arrangements. The trust has not yet applied for foundation status
The trust also provides outpatient services in community hospitals at Gosport War Memorial Hospital, Petersfield Community Hospital and St Mary’s Hospital. Gosport War Memorial Hospital has a minor injuries unit, inpatient rehabilitation on Ark Royal Ward (16 beds) and the Blake Maternity Unit (six beds). Petersfield Community Hospital has inpatient rehabilitation on Cedar Ward (22 beds) and the Grange Maternity Unit (four beds). There are eight satellite renal dialysis services, with six across Hampshire, one in Salisbury (Wiltshire) and one in Bognor Regis (West Sussex).
We undertook this inspection of Portsmouth Hospital NHS Trust as part of our comprehensive inspection programme.
Services provided at Queen Alexandra Hospital include accident and emergency, medical care, surgery, critical care, maternity and gynaecological services, children and young people’s services, end of life care, and outpatient and diagnostic services. These eight core services are always inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) as part of its new approach to the comprehensive inspection of hospitals. The services provided in community hospitals are integrated into the trust clinical and management structures; we have incorporated these within the core service areas.
The inspection took place between 10 and 13 February 2015, with additional unannounced visits on 25 and 26 February and 2 March 2015. The full inspection team included CQC managers, inspectors and analysts, doctors, nurses, allied healthcare professionals, ‘experts by experience’ and senior NHS managers.
Overall, we rated this trust as ‘requires improvement’. We rated it ‘outstanding’ for providing caring services and ‘good’ for effective services, but the trust ‘required improvement’ for providing safe, responsive and well-led services.
We rated critical care services as ‘outstanding’; maternity and gynaecology, and care of children and young people and outpatients and diagnostic imaging as ‘good’; and urgent and emergency services, medical care, surgery and end of life care as ‘requires improvement’.
Our key findings were as follows:
Is the trust well-led?
- The trust had a three year strategy that aimed to deliver high quality patient care, working in partnership and supporting innovation in healthcare. There was a focus on emergency care with plans to transform services to reduce admissions to hospital and deliver care closer to home. However, many of these priorities were underdeveloped and the trust was dealing with the immediacy of capacity issues. Clinical services did not have joined up strategies and did not work effectively to support the flow of patients through hospital.
- The leadership team was in the process of change and development. There was the commitment to improve and deliver excellent services, but there were gaps in operational performance and delivery, particularly around the unscheduled care pathway. The trust had worked with the wider health economy but did not have clear plans to deliver service improvements and had not effectively delivered consistent improvement. There was a wide variation in the quality and safety of services across the trust, although many services were good or outstanding some areas of performance failures were not appropriately recognised. There had not been a recent formal assessment of the board’s performance.
- The trust had all the elements of an effective governance framework but these were not being used effectively. There was a comprehensive integrated performance report to benchmark quality, operational, financial and workforce information and each clinical service centre had a quality dashboard. However, some risks were not identified and the action taken on known risks did not always mitigate these and were not always timely. Some risks had been on risk registers for several years without a clear resolution of the mitigating actions or a monitoring statement for risks that cannot be fully mitigated.
- We served two warning notices for the trust failure to respond to patient safety issues, and the failure to effectively assess and manage the risks to patients in the emergency department.
- Staff were positive about working for the trust and the quality of care they provided. The trust was similar to other trusts for staff engagement, but its staff survey had demonstrated year on year improvement. The trust ‘Listening into Action’ programme had demonstrated changes and improvements to services based on staff innovations. The staff had a strong sense of identify that was focused on care.
- There was a focus on improving patient experience and public engagement was developing. Safety Information was displayed in ward and clinic areas for patients and the public to see.
- The trust had a culture of innovation and research and staff were encouraged to participate. The trust had won a national award for clinical impact research. The award recognised the trust “Research in Residence Model” and its ability to harness clinical research to improve services and treatments for its patients.
- Cost improvement programmes were identified but savings were not being delivered as planned and the trust was having to take further action to reduce the risks of financial deficit.
Are services safe?
- Patients who arrived by ambulance at the emergency department (ED) were at risk of unsafe care and treatment. We served two warning notices to the trust requiring immediate improvement to be made to the initial assessment of patients, the safe delivery of care and treatment, and the management of emergency care in the ED.
- Patients were sometimes assessed according to the time that they arrived in the ED and not according to clinical need. Some patients with serious conditions waited over an hour to be clinically assessed, which meant that their condition was at risk of deteriorating. Many patients waited in corridors and in temporary bay areas. Patient in these areas and in the majors queue area were not adequately observed or monitored.
- The trust had introduced an initial clinical assessment by a healthcare assistant to mitigate risks, but this was not in line with national clinical guidelines.
- The environment in the ED did not enhance patient safety. The ED had been extended and its majors treatment area and children’s treatment area were now a considerable distance from the resuscitation room. Staff had to negotiate crowded public areas in order to gain access to the resuscitation room. Patients were in areas, some temporary, where there was no access to essential equipment or call bells, and there was no safe area to support patients with a mental health condition.
- Nurse staffing levels were regularly reviewed using an appropriate and recognised management tool. There were high vacancy levels across the hospital, notably in the ED, the medical elderly care wards and the surgical assessment unit, where staffing levels were not always met and there were insufficient staff for the number of patients and the complexity of their care and treatment needs. Staffing levels were reviewed on a shift-by-shift basis and according to individual nursing requirements. Staff were transferred across units on a shift basis to try to reduce risk, but this affected the availability of expertise and continuity of care in other areas. There was high use of internal bank and agency staff, particularly on night shifts. Agency staff received an induction and safety briefing on wards before beginning their shift.
- Midwifery staff ratio was an average of 1:29 which was in line with the England average. The maternity dashboard clinical scorecard showed that the ratio had varied from 1:27 to 1:33 over the past 10 months. This reflected the actual number of midwives to birth and did not include maternity support workers The recommendations of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists’ guidance (Safer Childbirth: Minimum Standards for the Organisation and Delivery of Care in Labour, October 2007) that there should be an average midwife to birth ratio of 1:28. Midwives, however, were working flexibly and one to one care was being provided for women in labour and with additional staff or strategies were provided to ensure the safety of antenatal and postoperative care.
- The trust had higher numbers than the England average of consultant medical staff in post, although it was not meeting national recommendations for consultant presence in maternity and for consultant staffing in end of life care. The trust had fewer middle-grade doctors and junior doctors compared with the England average and their workload was high in some specialties. For example, surgery and consultants in the ED were being stretched in an unsustainable way to cover posts and ensure safe services.
- Medical patients who were in the ED overnight and those on non-medical wards (outliers) were not always reviewed by specialist doctors in a timely way.
- Most services had a culture of openness and transparency. Staff understood the principles of duty of candour, and information, guidance and training were available to support staff to understand and implement the requirement of being open when things go wrong.
- The NHS Safety Thermometer is a monthly snapshot audit of the prevalence of avoidable harms, including new pressure ulcers, venous thromboembolism (blood clots), catheter-related urinary tract infections and falls. The information was monitored throughout the hospital and the results were displayed for the public in clinical areas. The prevalence of catheter-related urinary tract infections was consistently low but the incidence of pressure ulcers and falls had not reduced but was increasing. Some pressure ulcer incidents were deemed unavoidable. However, the trust had not met its own targets for reduction in pressure ulcers and falls. There was evidence of actions taken in response but this varied; for example, the falls care bundle was used on medical wards but this was not used consistently on surgical wards.
- Staff were reporting incidents and lessons were learnt and practice was changed as a result. On one surgical ward, however, staff were concerned that disciplinary action could be instigated unfairly for pressure ulcer incidents. The trust had said that staff may face disciplinary action if they failed to care for patients appropriately, but not if it was beyond their control. Recent hospital data, however, indicated a decrease in the reporting of pressure ulcers on this ward.
- The wards were visibly clean, and infection control practices were followed. The trust infection rates for MRSA and Clostridium difficile were within an expected range and the trust had not had a norovirus outbreak for five years. However, infection control arrangements in the surgical high care unit did not meet professional guidelines.
- Items of necessary equipment such as pressure-relieving mattresses, blood pressure monitors and medication pumps were not always readily available for patients when required. This meant that patient care and treatment could be delayed or adversely affected. The cardiac arrest call bell system in the E level theatres did not identify the location in which an emergency took place.
- Medicines were stored safely. However, the staff on a unit designated as an escalation ward told us they sometimes ran out of essential medications and had to borrow them from another ward. As a result there were delays in the timely administration
- Patients whose condition might deteriorate were being identified through the use of the early warning score. The trust had an electronic monitoring system for patients and this was used effectively, for example for the critical care outreach team to prioritise patients. However, early warning scores were not being used as part of bed management allocations.
- Staff were not always aware of standardised protocols or agreed indicators for pre-assessment to support them in making decisions about the appropriateness of patients for day case surgery
- Safeguarding processes to protect vulnerable adults, and children and young people were embedded across the hospital. There was a recent safeguarding policy and procedure, staff had attended appropriate training, and there was a culture of appropriate reporting.
- Staff were undertaking mandatory training and progress towards trust targets was good for many staff disciplines with the exception of medical staff where attendance rates were low.
- The completion of patient records varied in some areas it was very good and in some places information could be missing, and it was not clear if this was part of the electronic or paper record. New end of life care plans were being piloted in response to the national withdrawal of the Liverpool Care Pathway. However, where these care plans were not used, the documentation, of care was not appropriate to properly assess and make decisions about patient care and treatment. Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation forms were not always appropriately completed.
Are services effective?
- Services provided care and treatment in line with national best practice guidelines, and outcomes for patients were often better than average or improving. However, operating procedures in theatres needed updating and end of life care guidance needed to be further developed across the trust. The trust needed to improve the management of stroke patients and it was not meeting the target for 90% of stroke patients to be cared for in a stroke unit.
- There was good participation in national and local audit programmes, although the trust did not fully participate in the National Care of the Dying Audit – Hospitals 2013/14.
- Patient outcomes, as measured by national audits, were either better than or similar to the England average; where they were below the average they were improving. Each clinical service centre had a quality dashboard to monitor patient safety outcomes although these needed further development to focus on clinical outcomes.
- The trust’s mortality rates were within the expected range.
- Patients received good pain relief, in particular after surgery, in critical care and in end of life care. There were some delays, however, for patients who had arrived by ambulance in the ED.
- Patients, particularly older patients, were supported to ensure their hydration and nutrition needs were met. Although there were areas of concern identified on ward E3 for all patients and in end of life care on the acute medical unit.
- Staff were supported to access training and there was evidence of staff appraisal, although clinical supervision for nursing staff was under developed.
- Staff worked in multidisciplinary teams to centre care around patients. Physiotherapists on medical wards told us that although they did see medical patients, they could not always provide sufficient therapy sessions for their individual requirements.
- Discharge summaries giving GPs information on patient care were delayed. The trust was not meeting Department of Health standards for letters to be sent within 48 hours and there could be delays of up to two weeks. Renal outpatient letters were taking 35 days to be typed and sent to the patients’ GP because the renal department had a separate IT system from the rest of the trust. This had caused significant delay in GPs receiving updated information regarding their patients’ treatment.
- Seven-day consultant-led services were developed in all areas, with the exception of outpatient services. Support services such as imaging, pharmacy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy were also available seven days a week.
- Staff had appropriate knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards to ensure that patients’ best interests were protected. Guidance was available for staff to follow on the action they should take if they considered that a person lacked mental capacity. Notification of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards applications were correctly submitted to the Commission.
- Critical care services demonstrated outstanding innovations in delivery of effective care, ensuring there were robust systems to deliver and monitor care to high standards by highly skilled staff.
Are services caring?
- The trust had a culture of compassionate care. Staff were caring and compassionate, and treated patients with dignity and respect. Many patients and relatives told us that although staff were very busy, they were supported with compassion, patience, dignity and respect, with time being given to the delivery of personalised care.
- Staff were responsive to patients’ emotional care needs. Emotional care was also provided by the chaplaincy department and patients and relatives told us show much they valued this service, which had supported them at difficult times.
- We observed outstanding care and compassion in critical care, maternity and gynaecology and children and young people’s services. Staff were person-centred and supportive, and worked to ensure that patients and their relatives were actively involved in their care.
- Data from the NHS Friends and Family Test demonstrated that patients were satisfied with the care they received. Overall results were above the England average and the trust was in the top quarter of all trusts. Results were clearly displayed in ward areas.
- Patients’ experiences of care was variable, however. There were concerns, particularly for patients on the surgical ward E3 where staff were busy and essential and timely personal care was not delivered and patient dignity and confidentiality was not always maintained. Some patients with end of life care needs on wards E3 and the acute medical unit did not always get the timely care the families thought necessary or appropriate, and care was sometimes given by relatives instead.
Are services responsive?
- The trust was not meeting national targets for the timely handover of patients from ambulances. The trust had not met the emergency access target for 95% of patients to be admitted, discharged or transferred from A&E within four hours since November 2013. There was no hospital-wide escalation response to overcrowding in the ED to improve flow in the hospital.
- Specialty teams were often delayed in seeing patients who had been in the ED overnight.
- Bed occupancy across the hospital was 92% (January 2014 to March 2015). This was consistently above both the England average of 88%, and the 85% level at which it is generally accepted that bed occupancy can start to affect the quality of care provided to patients and the orderly running of the hospital.
- Patients were not always admitted to wards according to their clinical needs and were being placed where beds became available. This meant that the necessary level of specialist expertise and experience may not always have been available to them.
- Patients could be moved several times during their admission. This happened at night and for non-clinical reasons. The trust identified that older patients, patients with high dependency and acuity needs and end of life care patients should not be moved. However, older patients, including patients who were confused, or living with dementia and who may have had complex conditions, were being moved.
- Patient moves were tracked but the information was not used effectively at ward level. Some medical staff told us they did not always know where to find them and this could lead to a delay in treatment. Patients’ relatives also told us that they had difficulty finding patients.
- The critical care unit experienced discharge delays out of hours and delays to admission because of pressure on beds in the hospital. The unit had taken action to mitigate risks and this included comprehensive discharge summaries and a retrieval team who care for patients on the ward while they waited for admission.
- The national referral to treatment time target for 90% of patients to have surgery within 18 weeks was not met overall, although this was a planned fail in agreement with commissioners to address patients on the waiting list. Targets were not achieved in general surgery, trauma and orthopaedics, urology and ENT. In relation to urology, the trust attributed delays to limited staffing capacity, which had led to the cancellation of over 200 elective surgeries and a reduction in the number of elective patients admitted.
- Capacity issues within the hospital resulted in elective procedures being cancelled. Some patients told us their operations had been cancelled several times; although the majority did go on to have their surgery within 28 days.
- The trust was meeting the cancer waiting time target for 93% of patients to have referral from a GP to see a specialist within two weeks. The trust was also meeting the target for 96% of patients to have diagnosis to definitive treatment within one month (31 days). The trust had also met the target for 85% of patients to be waiting less than two months (62 days) from referral to start of treatment from April 2014 to December 2014. However, the target had not been met in January 2015 to March 2015.
- The trust was meeting referral-to-treatment time targets for most outpatient specialities but there were long waiting times for patients attending colorectal clinics, back pain clinics and the gastroenterology clinic. There was evidence of action being taken to address the long waits.
- Patient had timely follow up outpatient appointments although there were patients waiting beyond their due date in colorectal surgery, orthopaedic and gastro specialities. Ophthalmology had a high number of patients with significant delays to follow-up and who were on an outpatients waiting list. This had been on the service risk register since 2009, but as a result of a serious incident requiring investigation that occurred as a result of this backlog, it was escalated to the trust risk register In April 2013. The waiting list had been reduced but the number of patients waiting was still significant
- The trust was now meeting the diagnostic waiting time target after extending the service times.
- Discharge plans were expected to commence on admission but this varied across wards, as did planning around simple and complex discharges. There were some delays in discharging patients and patients told us they had to wait a considerable time (hours) for their medications to take home. A discharge lounge was available and was used appropriately. Patients were able to have food and drink while waiting for discharge.
- The trust had delayed transfers of care and national data showed the main causes of delayed transfers of care at this trust (which could prevent a patient from being discharged) included waiting for nursing home places, waiting for social care arrangements, and patient/family choice. The trust was working with its partners to alleviate this problem and data published by NHS England (December 2014 to January 2015) demonstrated that the trust had a comparatively smaller number of delayed discharges compared with other similar trusts.
- The integrated model which the trust maternity service runs (Nurture programme) allowed flexible use of staff to maintain 1:1 care in labour. This had kept women’s denied choice of place of birth to a minimum.
- There was a rapid access discharge service within 24 hours and the number of patients discharged to their preferred place and who were able to die at home was higher than the national average.
- In most clinical areas there was adequate provision to protect a patient’s privacy and dignity. However, this was not the case for ambulance patients waiting in corridors in the emergency department and also for patients in the dialysis unit on the Isle of Wight. Patients attending for outpatient appointments had to walk through the dialysis unit where patients were receiving treatment in their beds to attend their consultations. In ophthalmology department at Queen Alexandra Hospital, patients receiving treatment (pupil dilation) were being treated in a room that was glass walled, enabling any person walking by to observe a patient being treated.
- Staff across the hospital demonstrated a good understanding of how to make reasonable adjustments for patients with a learning disability. However, care for patients living with dementia varied. Training, assessment, the use of the dementia care bundle and making reasonable adjustments to reduce stress and anxiety, we being used but not consistently. In some areas the care needs of people living with dementia were not always met. Some areas demonstrated excellent examples of the care such the ‘memory lane’ service on the elderly care wards. This was held once a week and included engaging patients in remembering their past times by means of music, games, reading material and communication.
- An interpreting service was available for people whose first language was not English and the service was used. All information for patients was only available in English. In radiology, easy-to-read leaflets were available for patients with a learning disability, where language style had been adjusted and pictures used to explain procedures. We did not see any other information in an easy-to-read format.
- Information from complaints was reviewed and acted on; although some patients told us they were not always given information about how to make a complaint.
Are services well-led?
- Many staff were committed to the values of the trust: ‘best hospital, best people, best care’.
- Most services did not have a formal written strategy, although aspects of future plans could be verbalised by staff. Staff in the ED were not aware or confident that there were clear plans and strategies to address significant concerns in a timely way.
- Departmental strategies and vision were generally well understood, except in medicine where no discernible long-term strategy could be described by staff.
- Clinical governance arrangements were well developed to assess and manage the quality of service provision. However, better management of risks was needed. Not all risks were appropriately identified, escalated and mitigated across service areas. The pressures in the ED were long-term and significant risks to patients had not been appropriately managed.
- Many staff told us overall they had good support from the local clinical leaders, for example ward managers and consultant staff. However, there were concerns, including: the support from managers at senior levels, the capacity of managers in the ED, of some ward managers and the fragmentation of management in end of life care.
- Many staff commented on the visible and approachable presence of the chief executive officer.
- Staff were positive and proud to work for the trust; many staff had worked in the trust for their entire career. There was an open and honest culture and a strong sense of teamwork across most areas. However, there were a few areas of concern and these were identified as the lack of hospital support and clinical engagement for the pressures in ED, the lack of integrated working across clinical service centres, the concern by staff on one ward of being unfairly disciplined for pressure ulcer incidents in surgery and the dysfunction team working in the colorectal team.
- There were innovative approaches to patient and public engagement across services, which included survey, focus groups, consultation, committee representation and the use of social media.
- Staff engagement was good, and the latest staff survey showed significant improvement in key areas. The trust was in the top 20% of trusts for staff engagement. The Listening in Action programme was cited as a particular example of involving staff in improving the quality of their services.
- There was a strong and visible commitment to research and development.
- Innovative ideas and approaches to care were encouraged and supported, and the trust was the recipient of many awards, both national and international, for the excellence of some of its services.
- The leadership in the critical care unit was outstanding.
We saw many areas of outstanding practice including:
- A ‘Coffee and conversation’ group was held for patients in the stroke wards. This gave patients an opportunity to share their experiences, provide peer support and education. Patients were also given information about support available in the community.
- There were good arrangements for meeting the needs of patients with a learning disability, particularly in theatres. The staff showed good awareness of the specialist support that patients with complex needs sometimes require. Staff used a specialist pain management tool for assessing pain levels in patients who could not verbally communicate their experiences of pain.
- The trust had developed bespoke safeguarding training modules to meet the specific needs of staff and their working environments. For example, there was safeguarding training specific to the issues identified for staff working in theatres and specific types of wards.
- The practice of daily safety briefings on the intensive care unit (ICU) ensured the whole multidisciplinary team was aware of potential risks to patients and the running of the unit.
- In the ICU there were innovative approaches to the development and use of IT systems and social media. Secure Facebook and Twitter accounts enabled staff to be updated about events affecting the running of the service. This included information about risks, potential risks and incidents. Electronic ‘Watch out’ screens in the unit displayed information about incidents and the unit’s risk register. The education team advertised information about training opportunities on the education Twitter account.
- In the ICU, innovative electronic recording systems supported the effective assessment and monitoring of patients.
- The electronic monitoring system used in the hospital for monitoring patients’ vital signs enabled staff to review patient information in real time and the outreach team to monitor patients on all wards and prioritise which patients they needed to attend to. This early warning system was developed in response to delayed care in deteriorating patients. Its adoption has saved over 400 deaths, and overall has reduced our mortality levels by 15%.
- Innovative and practical planning of emergency trolleys meant that all equipment needed to manage a patient’s airway, including equipment to manage difficult airways and surgical equipment, was stored in a logical order and was immediately accessible.
- In most critical care services, beds are positioned to face into the ward. On some units beds were positioned so that conscious patients could look out of the window. Queen Alexandra Hospital’s critical care unit had learnt that some patients were frightened when they could not see the ward and wanted to be able to see into the unit for reassurance. In response, the unit had equipment that could position beds at an angle so patients could see out of window as well as into the unit.
- In response to difficulties in recruiting middle-grade (registrar) doctors, the ICU in partnership with the University of Portsmouth was developing a two-year course in Advanced Critical Care Practice (ACCP). The planned outcome from this course was that Advanced Critical Care Practitioners would be employed in the unit to fulfil some of the medical tasks and release medical staff to do more complicated work. This was the first initiative of this kind in the UK.
- To reduce the risks for patients requiring critical care who were located elsewhere in the hospital, the ICU had an innovative practice of retrieving the patient from elsewhere in the hospital. Patients admitted into the emergency department (ED) requiring critical care were treated by the critical care team in the ED, before admission to the unit. The same practice was followed for patients requiring admission to the unit from the general wards.
- The innovative use of grab packs meant staff had instant guidance about what to do in the event of utility failure, emergency telephone breakdown and major incidents.
- The critical care unit had developed their own innovative website that included educational information and guidance documents. There was guidance, tutorials and podcasts from recognised intensive care organisations, Portsmouth intensive care staff and other intensive care staff about the use of intensive care equipment and procedures. This was accessible to staff, staff from other trusts and the general public.
- A perineal clinic had been designed and implemented to provide outpatients care and treatment to women who had sustained third- and fourth-degree tears following delivery. This service enabled women to access treatment sooner than under previous systems. Staff also provided treatment, support, information and education to women who had experienced female genital mutilation.
- There was a telephone scheme for women who had experienced complex or traumatic deliveries to talk about, and have a debrief conversation, with a midwife following their discharge. The outcomes from the conversations were used as part of the governance processes and this had demonstrated a reduction in the number of complaints.
- A mobile telephone application (app) had been developed by the trust and the Chair of the Midwife Liaison Committee together with women who used the services. The app provided information on choices of place of birth and was being developed to include additional information. The app won an award from NHS England in the excellence in people category and the service had also been recognised with an innovation award from Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust.
- The multidisciplinary team in the children’s and young people’s services had made a commitment to creating an open culture of learning, reflection and improvement. This included listening to and empowering and involving staff, children, young people and their families. We found all staff, at all levels, were involved in working towards this goal and this was having a positive impact on improving the safety and quality of services for children, young people and their families.
- There was a new initiative called a ‘talent panel’, which was a mechanism to discover and develop staff, both for individual career development and the future sustainability of the service. Staff of all grades were encouraged to submit their career aspirations to a panel so that steps to support them could be identified.
- The trust had introduced a volunteer programme for people who wanted to work as a chaplain’s assistant. Volunteers were trained on how to support patients through visiting them. Through this training programme, the trust had over 50 volunteers coming to help and support patients.
- The trust received a national award for clinical research impact. The award recognised the trust “Research in Residence Model” and its ability to harness clinical research to improve services and treatments for its patients. The trust identified the development of the early warning system, mobile application for pregnant mothers (cited above), and developing methodologies to reduced respiratory exacerbations and admissions and detect upper and lower gastrointestinal cancer more effectively.
However, there were also areas of practice where the trust needs to make improvements.
Importantly, the trust must ensure that:
- Patients are appropriately assessed and monitored in the ED to ensure they receive appropriate care and treatment.
- Ambulance patients are received and triaged in the ED by a qualified healthcare professional.
- There are effective system to identify, assess and manage the risks in the ED.
- There is an adequate supply of basic equipment and timely provision of pressure-relieving mattresses.
- The cardiac arrest call bell system in E level theatres is able to identify the location of the emergency.
- Medication is prescribed appropriately in surgery and is administered as prescribed in gynaecology
- The emergency resuscitation trolley on the gynaecology ward is appropriately checked.
- Appropriate standards of care are maintained on ward E3 and the acute medical unit.
- There is a hospital wide approach to address patient flow and patient care pathways across clinical service centres.
- Patients’ bed moves are appropriately monitored and there is guidance around the frequency and timeliness of bed moves so that patients are not moved late at night, several times and for non-clinical reasons.
- Patients are allocated to specialist wards, when clinical need requires this, and medical outliers are regularly reviewed by medical consultants.
- Nurse staffing levels comply with safer staffing levels guidance.
- There are adequate numbers of medical staff on shifts at all times.
- All wards have the required skill mix to ensure patients are adequately supported by competent staff.
- The falls action plans are followed in a consistent way across the medical services.
- There is compliance with the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist.
- Staff awareness of standard protocols or agreed indicators for pre-assessment improves to support them in making decisions about the appropriateness of patients for day case surgery.
- Staff on all wards are able to raise concerns above ward level, particularly when this impacts on patient care, and there is a response to these concerns.
- Discharge summaries are sent out in a timely manner and include all relevant information in line with Department of Health (2009) guidelines.
- Staff observe recognised professional hand hygiene standards at all times.
- The surgical high care unit is risk-assessed for infection control risks.
- Medical and dental staff complete mandatory and statutory training.
- Nursing staff receive formal clinical supervision in line with professional standards.
- Nursing handovers provide sufficient information to identify changes in patients’ care and treatment and to ensure existing care needs are met.
- Nursing staff are appropriately trained in the safe use of syringe drivers.
- All pharmacists have an appropriate understanding of insulin sliding scales and where such information should be recorded.
- Patient confidentiality is protected so that patients and visitors cannot overhear confidential discussions about patients’ care and treatment.
- Records are kept relating to the assessment and monitoring of deteriorating patients in recovery.
- Patient records and drug charts are complete and contain all required information relating to a patient’s care and treatment.
- Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation forms are completed appropriately and mental capacity assessments, where relevant, are always performed.
- Patient records are stored so that confidentiality is maintained.
- The trust fully participates in all national audits for which it is eligible on end of life care.
- Action is taken to improve the leadership where there are services and ward areas of concern.
At a trust level:
- The trust clinical strategy is supported by clear improvement plans and these are monitored and evaluated appropriately.
- Governance arrangements are managed effectively so that there is appropriate assurance around risk and performance.
- The trust board has a development programme and there should be appropriate and timely assessment of its performance.
- There is continued investment in PALS.
- Complaints are appropriately monitored and responded to in a timely manner.
In addition, the trust has a number of actions that it should take and these are identified in the location report for Queen Alexandra Hospital.
Professor Sir Mike Richards, Chief Inspector of Hospitals