Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust serves a population of around 405,000 in south west Essex covering Basildon and Thurrock, together with parts of Brentwood and Castle Point. The trust also provides services across south Essex. The trust provides an extensive range of acute medical services at Basildon University Hospital, which includes The Essex Cardiothoracic Centre and Orsett Hospital as well as x-ray and blood testing facilities at the St Andrew's Centre in Billericay. The trust employs more than 4,000 staff and has more than 10,000 public members. The trust became one of the first 10 NHS foundation trusts in April 2004.
The trust was placed into special measures following reviews by Sir Bruce Keogh June 2013 following concerns around quality of care and high mortality. The Care Quality Commission undertook a comprehensive inspection of the trust in March 2014 and rated the trust as Good. Following this inspection the Commission recommended to Monitor that the trust could come out of special measures.
We returned to inspect on 17th and 18th March 2015 and inspected those key questions where the service had been rated as requiring improvement which are reported in a separate report. We did not undertake a full comprehensive inspection. We undertook an inspection of the critical care service during this inspection due to concerns received about the leadership and responsiveness of the service.
In 2014 we inspected Basildon University Hospital and found significant improvements to the care delivered to the population. We found very good care in most of the services we inspected. We saw some very good examples of care and treatment in maternity and children’s services. When we returned in 2015, we saw that significant changes had been implemented across the medical care and surgery services and several areas of improvements, particularly on the management of medicines; overall we rated these services as good. We inspected critical care services and found this service has concerns relating safety with staffing shortages in the outreach team, responsiveness on patient pathways and leadership. The rating for this service overall has changed from ‘Good’ to ‘Requires Improvement’.
Ratings in A&E, Medicine and Surgery improved from requires improvement to good and the overall rating for Basildon University Hospital remains as Good. In 2014 we were not rating the effectiveness of urgent and emergency services. In 2015 we have now rated this as Good. Whilst the critical care service was rated requires improvement in terms of safety, effectiveness, leadership and responsiveness the aggregated rating for the hospital remains as good.
We undertook a responsive inspection to the critical care unit in March 2015 in response to concerns relating to safety with staffing shortages within the critical care outreach team, areas for improvement within the effectiveness of the service, responsiveness on patient pathways and the pace at which change had been implemented. Subsequently the rating for this service overall changed from ‘Good’ to ‘Requires Improvement’.
We returned to inspect on 16th February 2016 and inspected all the key questions in the critical care service with a view to providing a new rating. We did not undertake a full comprehensive inspection of the trust, this inspection focused solely on the general critical care unit. We found that the service had made significant improvement in the delivery of the service which we have detailed through this report, and we have changed the rating of the service to ‘Good’.
Our key findings from 2015 were as follows:
- Within the A&E service improvements were noted in the waiting area with patients being routinely observed and monitored for signs of changing or deteriorating conditions. However we identified that the protocol for patients to be admitted to the CDU was not being adhered to at the time of the inspection as the trust was on black alert and nurse staffing levels were not appropriate.
- The streaming process within A&E was now embedded and working effectively as a pathway for patients through the department.
- Medicines management in all areas inspected had improved significantly and was safer for patients, though improvements in the recording of medicines administration was still required on Osler Ward.
- We noted significant improvements in the care provided to patients in surgery. Patients’ privacy and dignity was respected and patients spoken to all felt well cared for.
- The critical care outreach team had been depleted through maternity leave and resignation and the trust had commissioned a review prior to our inspection.
- There were also significant delays on occasions in discharging patients from critical care unit which impacted on the responsiveness of the service.
- The pace of change within the critical care, although improving, required further work to ensure that patients receive a timely service.
- Patient outcomes as recorded by the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre were poor in four out of the seven areas reviewed.
Our key findings from Critical Care in 2016 were as follows:
There were significant improvements made to how safe, effective, responsive and well led the service was since our last inspection in March 2015.
Staffing levels for nursing, medical and therapies staff had improved and were at a safe level.
The mortality ratio for the unit has reduced significantly since our last inspection where it was 1.8 and is now 1.0 on the ICNARC SMR and 0.83 on the APACHE model.
The critical care unit acquired infection in the blood rates per 100 admissions was consistently in line with or better than the England average of four.
The critical care unit does not currently meet the core standard of 50% of registered nurses having a recognised critical care course with 27% of nursing staff who had completed their certificate in critical care, however a number of staff were currently on the course and the rates by the end of the year were expected to reach over 50%.
We observed good use of mental capacity assessments and deprivation of liberty safeguards during the inspection.
The completion of DNACPR forms has significantly improved since the previous inspection with a greater awareness of what is required of the medical staff with regards to DNACPR.
There had been notable improvements in the leadership of the critical care and outreach service.
Morale and culture within the critical care and outreach service had improved significantly since our previous inspection.
We identified the following areas of outstanding practice:
- We found the innovation around development of medical staff in the A&E service with career progression to consultant level to be a very innovative response to a national shortage of emergency department medical staff.
- The preparedness of staff for major or emergency incidents in the medical care areas was outstanding. Staff were very aware of their responsibilities and were engaged with the trust’s processes.
We identified the following areas of poor practice in 2015 where the trust needs to make improvements:
The trust should:
- Improve the management of medicines across the medical care directorate. There is a particular need to improve the recording of medicines administration and storage and prescription of oxygen.
- Improve the governance from the top at executive level to the local wards and departments and ensure that risk assessments and service plans are available to staff providing direct patient care in escalation areas.
- Continue to work and improve on the skill mix and staffing levels throughout the hospital particularly in the critical care service.
- Review staffing and management structures for the critical care outreach service to ensure that an appropriate number of outreach staff are on duty for each shift.
Following our 2016 inspection we found that the trust should:
Improve the mandatory training rates for the critical care outreach team.
Ensure all staff receive updated equipment competency training.
Reduce the delayed discharges over four hours from the critical care unit to the main wards.
Reduce the number of transfers out of hours between 10pm and 7am.
Professor Sir Mike Richards
Chief Inspector of Hospitals