Weymouth Bay Medical Practice
This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect
Registration details
The provider ID for Weymouth Bay Medical Practice is 1-199748414.
These are the registration details of the provider Weymouth Bay Medical Practice. They set out what services Weymouth Bay Medical Practice can legally provide, where they can provide them and who is responsible for them.
Dr William Andrew Bodger, Dr Emma Jane Casson, Dr Benjamin Chennell, Dr Eleanor Costales, Dr Edward Arthur Ellis, Dr Gemma Christina Fornai, Dr Marie Goddard, Dr Kimberley Jupiter Sing Ming Goldstein-Jackson, Dr Matthew Thomas Grist, Dr Ali Yusuf Husain, Dr Kathryn Sarah Jitan, Dr Wayne Robert Knight, Dr Emily Joyce Meachim, Dr Christopher Nelson, Dr Sarah Louise Reese, Dr Sharlina Binti Sallehuddin, Dr Martin Schmidt, Dr Tanya Stead, Dr Jacob Henry Stone, Dr Kirstie Ann Stone, Dr Tracey Walden, Dr Mary Joanna YoungMaternity and midwifery services
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must ensure that the regulated activity Maternity and midwifery services is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.
Registered services
Family planning
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must ensure that the regulated activity Family planning is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.
Registered services
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must ensure that the regulated activity Treatment of disease, disorder or injury is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.
Registered services
Surgical procedures
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must ensure that the regulated activity Surgical procedures is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.
Registered services
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must ensure that the regulated activity Diagnostic and screening procedures is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.