Applies to services that provide, prepare or serve food as part of providing regulated activity, or that support people to do so for themselves
E3. How are people supported to eat and drink enough to maintain a balanced diet?
E3.1 How are people involved in decisions about what they eat and drink and how are their cultural and religious preferences met?
E3.2 How are people supported to have a balanced diet that promotes healthy eating and the correct nutrition?
E3.3 Are meals appropriately spaced and flexible to meet people's needs, and do people enjoy mealtimes and not feel rushed?
E3.4 How are risks to people with complex needs identified and managed in relation to their eating and drinking?
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KLOEs and ratings characteristics for adult social care services
KLOEs and ratings characteristics for adult social care services (with changes from 2015 versions)
Sources of evidence: what our inspectors look at against each KLOE
KLOEs mapped to requirements regulated by CQC for adult social care services
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- adult social care services