- NHS mental health service
Hallam Street Hospital
All Inspections
19 November 2013
During a routine inspection
We saw that patients were supported to be involved in their care and to promote their independence skills.
Staff had the information they needed to know how to support patients to meet their individual needs. We saw that patients' needs had been assessed by a range of health professionals and their healthcare needs had been monitored and met. One patient told us, 'I give the staff and service 10/10, they look after me well and I don't have a bad thing to say about them.'
Most patients spoken with told us that they felt safe at the hospital. Systems were in place to ensure that patients were safeguarded from harm. We saw good interactions between patients and staff. We observed that patients were at ease in the company of staff. One patient told us, 'Staff are lovely.'
Staff had the skills and knowledge to know how to safely support patients to meet their needs.
Patients were asked for their views about the hospital and these were listened to. We saw that audits were completed and action was taken to make improvements where needed.
18 September 2012
During a themed inspection looking at Learning Disability Services
Patients told us they were involved in their care plans and had taken photographs and found pictures to put in them. They knew what was written in their plan and had a copy if they wanted this. They said that staff supported them well and respected them as individuals. Relatives told us that their relative's needs were met better at Newton House than anywhere else they had lived.
Staff told patients about how they could improve their health and helped them to do this. Patients said they had the health checks they needed and were helped to have a healthier lifestyle.
We asked about activities and patients told us about the different activities they did and how staff supported them to do these. They said they did the activities they liked and were also offered a chance to try new things. We saw that patients were encouraged to be independent. They told us how this helped them to be ready to move on to more independent living.
We asked about safety and patients told us that they felt safe living there. They said that staff spoke to them in a respectful way, so promoting their self esteem and well being.
Relatives said that they thought their relative was safe at Newton House and that if they had concerns they could speak to the staff about these.
Patients knew why some restrictions had been placed on them due to their behaviours in the past. They said they did not feel that staff treated them in a way that restricted their privacy and dignity, which helped to promote their well being.