• Doctor
  • Urgent care service or mobile doctor

Archived: Fulham Centre for Health

Charing Cross Hospital, Fulham Palace Road, London, W6 8RF (020) 7798 1300

Provided and run by:
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust

All Inspections

4 January 2013

During a routine inspection

People who use the service told us that staff were 'respectful' and 'attentive'. They were provided with information about the services on offer. Consultations took place in private rooms and translation services were available if needed.

When people first arrived at the centre they were seen by a GP who assessed the urgency and nature of their healthcare needs. Medical histories were taken before people were treated and information was provided to patients on aftercare. Staff had been trained in what to do in a medical emergency and there were emergency drugs and equipment available.

Staff were trained in safeguarding vulnerable adults and child protection on an annual basis. There was a policy and procedure in place for how to report any concerns, including to the local authority.

When staff started at the service they received an induction. Staff undertook mandatory training on an annual basis, including in safeguarding and what to do in a medical emergency. All staff had annual appraisals.

The service conducted audits to monitor the quality of the service it was providing. Regular patient feedback questionnaires were completed. Accidents and incidents were logged, reviewed and changes made accordingly.