13 December 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
There were not always enough staff members available to fully open the service to all patients who required care and treatment.
There were not always enough staff members available to fully open the service to all patients who required care and treatment.
After the inspection of 5/6 February 2013 the trust wrote to us and said that it had introduced the improvements necessary to address each of the problems we had identified.
At our inspection of 3 September 2013 we spoke with two patients and five parents. They told us that patients were receiving all of the treatment and nursing care they needed. However, they were concerned about inadequate staffing levels on the ward. A patient said, 'I'm confident with the medical help I get here. I'd like it if the nurses had more time. Sometimes they have to rush."
We noted that the two utility rooms in question were locked shut. However, we found that some important elements of the nursing care being provided were not being fully documented. We also found that on a number of occasions medical and nursing staffing cover across the ward had been below the minimum level that the trust considered to be necessary to enable patients to safely receive the care they needed.
We reviewed the care plans of children and young people located on Holly Ward. Although people we spoke with told us they were happy with the care and treatment provided to their children, we saw that the care plans we reviewed did not contain sufficient and detailed advice to staff about how to meet people's care needs.
Staff we spoke with demonstrated to us an understanding of safeguarding vulnerable children from abuse guidance and procedures.
At the time of our inspection we saw that people were not protected against the risks associated with unsafe or unsuitable premises.
There were not always enough qualified, skilled and experienced staff on the ward to meet people's needs and ensure their safety and welfare.
There were effective systems in place to regularly assess and monitor the quality of services provided to people on Holly Ward. People were asked for their views and they would be acted on.