- NHS mental health service
Littlestone Lodge
All Inspections
17 May 2013
During a routine inspection
There were regular meetings for relatives to express their views, and these were mostly positive about the service. A visitor told us their relative had settled within a few weeks of coming into the service and the care was 'excellent'. They said their relative was 'very well looked after'. During our inspection we observed that staff treated people with dignity and respect. People's care was reviewed regularly. There was an activity programme in place.
All the rooms were single with an en-suite shower. The service had initiated changes such as improved signs, photographs and pictures to help orientate people to their surroundings.
All the people using the service had had their capacity to consent to treatment assessed, and there were systems in place for monitoring and implementing this. There was information for relatives about accessing independent advocacy and support.
Staff were up to date with their mandatory training, and most had had training in working with people with dementia. Staff had had an appraisal and received regular supervision.
The service had processes in place for monitoring the quality of the service, which included care records, and for making improvements.