• Prison healthcare

HMP Buckley Hall

Buckley Hall, Buckley Farm Lane, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL12 9DP (0161) 358 1546

Provided and run by:
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

All Inspections

No visit - Desk based review

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We carried out this desk based review of healthcare services provided by Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH) at HMP Buckley Hall in October 2020. We last inspected the service in July 2019 when we judged that the trust/provider was in breach of CQC regulations. We issued two Requirement Notices on 5 November 2019 in relation to Regulation 17, Good governance and Regulation 18, Staffing, of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.

The purpose of this inspection was to determine if the healthcare services provided by GMMH were now meeting the legal requirements and regulations under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008. We found that improvements had been made and the provider was no longer in breach of the regulations.

We do not currently rate services provided in prisons.

At this inspection we found:

  • Staff supervision was now taking place in line with the trust policy and recorded and monitored appropriately.
  • The trust conducted regular infection prevention and control audits.
  • Staff checked emergency equipment and medicines daily and local managers conducted regular management checks.
  • Systems to monitor medicines storage arrangements now ensured these medicines were appropriate for use.
  • Managers were able to escalate local issues via the risk register and monthly clinical governance and business meetings.
  • Staff reported incidents in line with the trust policy. Managers reviewed all incidents shared learning appropriately.
  • Improvements had been made to the complaints management process. Response letters to patients were well written and comprehensive and contained details of how a complainant could escalate their concern if they were not satisfied with the trust’s initial response.

There were areas where the trust could make further improvements. The trust should:

  • Ensure that all audits or checks carried out are signed and dated.
  • Ensure quality assurance processes for records management and READ coding in patient electronic records are documented appropriately.