- NHS mental health service
The Zinnia Centre
We served three warning notices on Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust on 21 November 2024 for failing to meet the regulations related to safe care and treatment, staff training and supervision and management and oversight of governance and quality assurance systems at The Zinnia Centre.
All Inspections
19 August 2013
During a routine inspection
The manager of Lavender ward, the deputy of Saffron ward and the lead nurse and matron for the centre were present. We also spoke with staff based at the day service who worked with patients.
We spoke with twelve patients at length. Several patients did not wish to speak with us other than to tell us they were 'OK'.
The wards were clean and well maintained and patients we spoke with were positive in their views about staff. Patients told us 'Staff were good.' A typical comment was 'Staff are helpful.' Some people raised individual issues which we were unable to validate.
We saw some patients being supported to do activities while other patients initiated activities with available equipment. We witnessed a generally positive and relaxed atmosphere throughout our visit.
General issues raised on Saffron ward concerned the absence of the pool table since it had been broken. Two patients complained that the smoking shelter on Saffron ward was in poor repair since it had been damaged.