Updated 24 June 2016
We did not rate this inspection.
During the inspection we reviewed the provider’s action plan relating to restrictive practice.
At the inspection in March 2014, we found people had restrictions in place regarding the use of telephones and visits; these were not in response to individual risk. During this inspection we found that patients were no longer supervised during phone calls and visits unless indicated on their risk assessments
At the inspection in March 2014, people told us about their meal time experience and said that if they did not attend for meals on time they were not offered a hot meal and would be given a sandwich. During this inspection we found that patients always had access to a hot meal even if they had missed the meal time.
At the inspection in March 2014 we found that the hospital did not always treat people in the least restrictive manner and often enforced boundaries with actions that could be seen to be punitive. For example staff told us that aggressive behaviour spitting and hitting staff was regarded as physical assault and would lead to a person having their leave cancelled. During this inspection we found that there was a positive culture on the wards and actions were no longer seen as punitive.
At the last inspection in January 2015 we found that blanket restrictions continued to be in place on some wards. For example, on Merlin, Linnet, Lark and Newtondale wards, patients were subject to routine rub down searches following a period of unescorted leave. These were not carried out on the basis of the risks presented by individual circumstances. During this inspection we found searches were no longer carried out routinely.
During the inspection of the learning disability forensic inpatient/secure wards at Roseberry Park Hospital in March 2014 we found there was a breach of Regulation 11 HSCA 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010: Safeguarding people who use services from abuse. During this inspection we found learning disability forensic inpatient/secure wards were no longer in breach of this regulation.