• Mental Health
  • NHS mental health service

Archived: 93-95 Papist Way

93-95 Papist Way, Cholsey, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 9QJ (01491) 652057

Provided and run by:
Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

All Inspections

5 November 2013

During a routine inspection

We found that the service gave people as many choices as they could. They took action to make sure people were supported to be as independent as they could be, as safely as possible. People said, 'we can do what we want' and 'make our own choices'.

The house was homely, well maintained and adapted to meet the needs of individuals. People had their own bedrooms and access to suitable bathing and toileting facilities. We saw that it was clean and hygienic.

We saw that staff were appropriately trained and supervised to make sure that they could offer the best possible care to people. People told us, 'staff here are okay and I can talk to them all'.

We found that the service listened to the views of the people who lived in the service and had ways of making sure they improved or maintained the quality of care they offered.

14 September 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

This review was carried out to check that the trust had made improvements relating to internal policies, procedures and practices that were in place at the time of our last review of the trust in March 2011.

We visited the trust's headquarters to assess the improvements and did not, on this occasion, speak with patients as part of the review so cannot report what they said.