Archived: St Johns Court

Withycombe Raleigh, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 4DD (01395) 263768

Provided and run by:
Devon Partnership NHS Trust

All Inspections

4 January 2011

During a routine inspection

There were 14 people using services when we carried out an unannounced visit to St Johns Court .Most people who use the service were not able to tell us clearly how they are involved in their decision making due to their medical condition. Care plans evidence that staff try to orientate and explain things to people individually as appropriate and note their response for future care. We saw staff interacting with people in a respectful way, for example encouraging one person to take some quiet time in the day room to maintain their dignity.

Staff we spoke to were knowledgeable about how the team as a whole came to capacity decisions and described how best interest decisions were made.

People using the service who we spent time with gave us positive signs that they were happy with their care and treatment when asked. Most people using the service were unable or did not want to describe how they felt their care needs were met but were calm and not distressed. Staff were able to describe how they managed individual peoples' needs in good detail.

No-one spoken to had any problems with the meals or showed any negative signs when asked about food. Food was presented in an appetising way and there were condiments available.

The unit has a good multidisciplinary team who clearly work well together. We saw that when people using the service need to access health professionals outside the unit that staff accompany them who are knowledgeable about their specific needs.

Staff know how to recognise abuse and how to report concerns. Staff are knowledgeable about how to protect people and keep them safe. We found the unit to be spotless and very well maintained.

There are systems in place to monitor the management of medicines in order to ensure safe practice which includes regular input from a Pharmacy Team. Staff regularly explain medication treatment to people and try to help them understand.

All the indoor and outdoor spaces were well maintained. People can move around easily within the unit and the enclosed garden. People spoken to said that there were nice big windows and a lovely garden to look at. We saw that equipment was well maintained and checked on a regular basis to ensure that it is safe for people to use.

Staff spoken to said that they had been recruited using the correct procedure such as having criminal records bureau checks and references before starting work to ensure that people using the service are safe.

Staff all said that they enjoyed working on the unit. One staff member said that 'they fought tooth and nail to come and work here'. There were staff in sufficient numbers to meet peoples' needs. Twp people looked happy after enjoying a visit to town to buy a newspaper with staff. Staff were asked about supervision and all had received recent supervision on a monthly basis. Staff are fully engaged in identifying ways in which care may be improved and are receptive to feedback. There is a programme of regular audit and evidence of learning and shaping service delivery in a positive way.

People spoken to all gave positive responses when asked if they could talk to a staff member of their choice when they felt able to if they needed to make a complaint or air a concern.

10 June 2010

During an inspection looking at part of the service

This section was not completed for this inspection. More information about what we found during the inspection is available in the report below.