14 May to 29 May 2019
During a routine inspection
Our rating of services went down. We rated it them as requires improvement because:
- Safety checks to prevent errors occurring in the operating theatres and hand hygiene procedures, were not consistently followed. We did not observe staff challenging poor practice. There was limited learning from incidents that occurred at other hospitals within the trust.
- The environment in which some procedures were carried out was not suitable and equipment checks were not always completed daily.
- There was limited monitoring of clinical outcomes for patients and adherence to best practice guidance at the hospital.
- Patients waited longer than average from referral to treatment and capacity within surgery at the hospital was not fully utilised. The ward, operating theatre and clinical interventions unit were not used to capacity.
- Governance processes were not fully effective. Risks to the service were not adequately identified and systematically managed. Risks and concerns we identified during the inspection had not been recognised by the management team.
- There was uncertainty about the future sustainability of the service at the hospital and little evidence of learning or innovation. Some staff expressed concerns about the level of communication and engagement about the future of surgical services at Evesham Community Hospital.
- There were sufficient nursing staff with the required competencies to provide safe and effective care for patients. Care was consultant led. Managers appraised staff performance.
- Staff knew how to recognise abuse and how to report it. They worked with other organisations to protect people. They kept detailed records of patient’s care and treatment. Safe systems and processes were in place for the management of patients’ medicines.
- Staff generally worked well together as a team for the benefit of patients and provide coordinated care. They were kind and compassionate and patients praised them for their friendly and professional approach.