Archived: Trust HQ Bucknall Hospital

Eaves Lane, Bucknall, Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, ST2 8LD (01782) 275025

Provided and run by:
North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust

All Inspections

14, 15 November 2011

During a themed inspection looking at Learning Disability Services

There were six people at the Assessment and Treatment unit and four people at the Telford unit when we visited. We met and introduced ourselves to all of the people using the service and spoke with seven people about their care and treatment. We spoke with three relatives of people who use the service.

People who use the service told us that they received the support they needed to 'get well'. One person told us, 'The best thing here is I am getting help to get better, my confidence is growing.' Another person told us, 'They (staff) talk to you when you feel down to help you feel better.'

People told us about sitting with care staff and writing their care plans. Some people had used a computer to produce their care plan with pictures and photographs, which helped them understand about their care. Five people we spoke with had a copy of their care plan. Two people told us however they did not have a copy of their care plan but could not tell us if they had been asked if they wanted one.

We saw people were involved in a range of activities that they enjoyed and helped them develop as an individual. Two people told us about working voluntarily in the community and two people told us about enjoying activities at the local gymnasium.

Information was available to people who use the service about how to report abuse, however not all people felt they could tell staff when they felt something was wrong. People told us that they felt sure that staff would recognise when they were not happy and ask them about this.

People told us they were not restrained unless it was really needed. One person told us about their experience of a recent restraint. They told us 'I feel safe here.' Another person told us, 'I know when there is an incident as an alarm goes off. Staff do what they need to do to keep people safe.' Records we read showed that restraint was used appropriately and patients were not harmed.

We observed staff treat people with respect and speak to them kindly. One person told us, 'Staff speak to me alright. They make me feel good and respected.' This was helping to promote people's self esteem and ensure their well being.

14 November 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We completed this review because we wanted to check that there was close monitoring of safeguarding incidents by staff within the trust.

We were concerned on our last visit that incidents of abuse could go unreported. More localised monitoring was needed at unit level to ensure safeguarding issues were identified and reviewed swiftly, so that there were early opportunities to reduce risks to the care and welfare of people using the service.

Staff we spoke with were all able to confirm that they had received updated safeguarding training. A member of staff said "Safeguarding is a high priority now for the trust and we automatically refer any incidents where we may have some doubts". Staff were able to tell us what actions they would take if they had concerns about potential abuse. Two people using the service were also able to tell us who they would speak with if they felt they were not being treated properly.

5 November 2010

During an inspection in response to concerns

People we talked to had been moved within Chebsey to improve the service provided for them and to meet their individual, complex needs. They appeared happy and settled. One person reported they were happy with the move. They described being very well looked after and helped to do lots of things to keep busy.