1, 25 May 2011
During an inspection in response to concerns
People using the service told us they felt safe and got the support they needed and wanted from the staff. One person said that staff supported them with taking their medication. People said they knew most of the team of people who provided their support, very well. One said she liked all of the staff who supported her. People using the service had been asked their views and had been listened to when they had raised any concerns. They could also raise any concerns at their review. We saw some quality surveys completed by people using the agency. People knew about how to complain and had seen the complaints leaflet. One person told us that they had raised an issue which had been sorted out.
The families of people using the agency confirmed that the agency were good at involving people in planning their own care. Families had also been involved where appropriate in planning and reviewing the care and support provided. We were told the agency was also good at communicating with families and sought consent from them when the person receiving the support was not able to give it. We were told that the staff supported people with their healthcare needs or appointments and provided support and encouragement for healthy eating. We were told that staff also provided whatever level of support was required with medication. The staff were also good at supporting contact between the person using the agency and their family. Relatives told us that staff helped prepare meals for the people using the service, involving them in this where possible. They felt the agency provided good support to people and also listened if they raised any issues. Parents felt that people were being well cared for when they weren't present, and that staff kept them informed of any concerns about health or wellbeing.
Relatives of people using the service told us that support was provided by a regular team of staff. They said that staff were very familiar with the peoples' needs and wishes. New staff were thoroughly inducted into the team to make changes run smoothly. Family members were generally happy with the support provided. Where issues had been raised, they had been sorted out. The Trust was seen as being positive and responsive. People told us about recent improvements due to managerial changes. We were told that people had direct contact with the agency's management when necessary.
Family members had been given quality surveys to complete, but could also raise issues with management directly by telephone or during reviews. Some also had access to parents' group meetings which provided another place where concerns could be discussed. Families were also aware of the complaints procedure. Complaints made in the past had been addressed well by the agency.