Six of the patients who were staying at the unit talked to us about their experiences.Three patients told us they had been happy to move to this unit. They said that staff had explained their care plans to them. One patient used the word 'lovely' when describing the unit. Another said: 'Staff are nice here'. They also told us that the staff had followed their care plans making sure they were given the care and support that they needed.
One patient showed us a copy of their activity timetable. They said: 'It tells me when I'm doing things'.
One of the patients that we talked to said: 'I've got my care plan on the wall of my room'. They showed us to their room and we saw that art and football, activities that they like, were included. That patient also said that they had been involved in drawing up their care plan and that staff followed it.
When we talked with other patients they told us they have been able to take part in a range of activities that they enjoy. These included visiting the local shops, the library and restaurants. They had also been able to use a more private area of the building for crafts and cooking sessions. One patient told us: 'I like it here; it's quiet'. That patient also showed us their activity chart which was on the wall of their room. Their activities included some that were community based and others that happened in the craft and cooking area.
Two of the patients we talked with told us that the staff had arranged for them to see doctors, dentists or other medical professionals when they had needed to.
We talked with one of the patients who lived in this unit and they said they felt safe. They told us that they have not seen any one being abused. They said that staff had always spoken to them in a respectful way.
Another patient told us they had been given information about abuse and what to do if they saw or experienced it. They said they would tell a member of staff if they thought that they or anybody else was being abused.
One parent told us that their family member would 'report or tell us if he was abused or saw anybody else being abused.'