- NHS mental health service
49 Alumhurst Road Also known as Nightingale House
All Inspections
20 March 2019
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We undertook a focused inspection of Pebble Lodge following recent incidents related to the safe domain. One sadly included a fatality using a fixed ligature point.
During this inspection we found:
- Staff were knowledgeable around the identification and management of the risks of the young people and how they were managed and mitigated where possible.
- Young people’s risk assessments were thorough and up to date, with evidence of the young person’s input. Staff completed daily environment checks to assess risks in the environment, and they had a ligature risk management plan detailing the risks.
- Staffing levels were good, with staff stating they rarely felt short staffed. Whenever shifts were unfilled, the service used bank staff to cover these shifts and ensured the staff knew the ward and how it ran. Staff demonstrated awareness of how to raise a safeguarding alert.
- Restraint levels had fallen significantly between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2018, in comparison to the last 12 months, from 123 to 47. Staff stated that restraint was used as a last resort.
- The environment was clean and well maintained, there was a well looked after clinic room. There was a low stimulus room to help young people with their mood.
- The service had a number of fixed ligature points, such as en-suite doors, ceiling mounted fire alarms and radiator covers. Although the trust had identified and managed ligature risks well, and had ordered collapsible doors to replace the high-risk doors, they did not have a clear timeline to complete the intended work.
22, 23 April 2013
During a routine inspection
We found at all three units people were treated with respect and dignity. Staff acted in the best interest of people, and their consent was obtained appropriately.
In all three units, people's care, welfare and treatment needs were assessed and planned with people's involvement. People receiving a service we spoke with were positive about the about the way they had been treated.
There were suitable arrangements in place through the training of staff, as well as policies and procedures, to safeguard people against the risk of abuse. Each unit had responded to and made appropriate safeguarding referrals to the local authority. We found that the occasions where restraint had been used these were monitored closely to make sure that restraint was not excessive and was proportionate to the risk to the person or the safety of others.
Generally, sufficient staffing levels was provided to meet people's needs in all three units. However, there had been occasions on one unit where, because of sickness and difficulties in providing staff cover, some people's care agreements had not been appropriately met.
There were extensive quality monitoring systems in place to make sure that services were run in the interests of people, were safe and well managed.