• Prison healthcare

Archived: HMYOI Swinfen Hall

Swinfen Hall, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS14 9QS

Provided and run by:
Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent Partnership NHS Trust

All Inspections

30 June and 1 July 2014

During a routine inspection

We co-ordinated our inspection of services provided by Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Partnership NHS Trust with the H.M.Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP). Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Partnership NHS Trust provided primary health care services and mental health care. The substance misuse treatment service was contracted to another provider. Our inspection visit was announced and was carried out over two days and we focussed on the primary healthcare service.

We considered our inspection findings to answer questions we always ask:

. Is the service safe?

. Is the service effective?

. Is the service caring?

. Is the service responsive?

. Is the service well-led?

This is the summary of what we found.

Is the service safe?

An assessment of people's health care and treatment needs was carried out when people started to use the service. Risk assessments were in place. Audits were carried out to look at accidents and incidents and the necessary action was taken to keep people safe. Information was available to show that the service worked with other agencies to help ensure people's health needs were met safely. We saw there were enough staff on duty at the time of inspection.

Is the service effective?

We were told a health care fayre was held annually to raise people's awareness about health care provision and to promote a healthy lifestyle. We spoke with ten people who used the service who told us they were happy with the service they received. One person said; "The staff are very good." Another person said; "The healthcare is excellent." People said health care staff worked hard to make sure their health care needs were met and we were told that staff were kind and supportive. People also commented how helpful and friendly the workers were.

Staff we spoke with were knowledgeable about people's health care needs. Most staff had received training to help them develop in their role and to understand the different health and treatment needs of people they worked with. Staff were observed to be patient and supportive as they worked with people.

Is the service caring?

People spoken with were positive about the health care provided by staff. We found people were encouraged to be involved in decision making. Staff were helpful and offered people information and support about their care. We saw there was good interaction between staff and people who used the service. We observed the interaction and noted the kind and caring way staff supported people.

Is the service responsive?

Information was collected by the service with regard to the person's healthcare and support needs when they started to use the service. Various assessments were completed by the staff of the service with the person to help make sure staff could meet their health care needs.

Referrals for specialist advice were made when staff needed guidance to ensure the health needs of people were met. People's individual needs were taken into account and they, or their representative if they were not able, were involved in all decision making with regard to their health care and treatment. They were kept informed and given information to help them understand the care and treatment choices available to them.

Regular meetings took place with staff and representatives from people who used the service to discuss the running of the service and to ensure the service was responsive in meeting the changing needs of people.

Is the service well-led?

There was a focus from management on the provision of individual care and support to people who use the service. Staff were knowledgeable about the health care and support needs of people. Most staff received regular supervision however they commented they did not feel well supported by the senior management team. They did say if they needed to raise any concerns they felt they would be listened to.

We saw people had the opportunity to comment on the quality of the service and that they felt able to speak to the manager and staff about any issues.